Windows 7 No Internet with Wired Connection


Senior Member
Mar 20, 2010

I have just encountered a problem that I have been encountering on and off since Windows Vista, I rebooted my PC, before the re-boot I had an internet conenction working fine, now I have no connection through wired, but if I enable wireless all works fine. Previously when I had this problem I found that for some reason Windows decided to add an ip or subnet address to my ipv4 but not this time.

I have just tried booting my PC into Linux and connected to Wired connection with no problems (I wish I know why Windows takes about 30 times longer to give me an internet connection)

Since this problem has been occuring it has occured on both PC's I have had during this time and I have recently changed my router from a Netgear to an Edimax 10/100/1000 router and put new cables in so I don't think the problem could be cables and hardware (anyway as it works fine in Linux to me it says Windows!) any ideas.


No, not a Windows issue.

You have a dns issue on the machine that you need to sort. If you have the Bonjour service, uninstall it. You can see it in the task manager as mdnsresponder.exe.

Clear the dns cache by opening an elevated command prompt. Then type

ipconfig /flushdns

Hi, could you clarify about your internet connection, is it your internet provider -> cable -> router -> your pc with wi-fi?

If so, you should set IPv4 and DNS correctly in your router setup, and set them "obtain automatically" in the Wi-Fi properties.
My Internet connection is through a Cable Modem with VirginMedia, everything works fine when I connect through Wireless but since I rebooted my PC I can't connect via Eithernet (but I can connect to internal sources like NAS Box).

I know this is a windows issue and not a hardware issue as I have tried booting my Linux distro and when using Eithernet I have full access to the internet with no problems.

I have checked my IPv4 settings already and they are all set to Obtain Autoamtically (including the Alterantive Configuration Settings)

One thing which I have notcied that is strange is when I do an ipconfig/All for both Wireless and LAN I get the following

Wireless LAN
Default Gatewat: 192.168.x.x Default Gateway:

As everything is set to obtain Automatically I can't see why I am getting this and as it works in other OS's it cant be a setting in the router causing the problems.


No, not a Windows issue.

You have a dns issue on the machine that you need to sort. If you have the Bonjour service, uninstall it. You can see it in the task manager as mdnsresponder.exe.

Clear the dns cache by opening an elevated command prompt. Then type

ipconfig /flushdns

Thanks for the help, unfortunately I dont have Bonjour installed and ipconfig /flashdns no difference to the issue

Just found that if I run route delete -p as administrator it resolves the problem until I reboot, but as this needs to be run as Admin I cant easily put it in as a startup batch file, does anyone know of any other way of resolving this.

From what I have been reading on other forums this problem seems to be occuring for a lot of poeple on a regular basis and is being viewed as a bug in Vista/7