Windows 7 No news from RTM x64 ?


New Member
May 7, 2009
I'm just waiting for a leak for RTM x64, guys were talking about yesterday or today for a build 7261 x64.

If someone has any news please let us know !


even when i use the 'take ownership" program, it will not access it.

Hi, in these cases you have to do two things:

  1. Take ownership of the file/folder (Right click - Properties - Security - Advanced - Owner - Edit; for folders, also tick Replace owner on subcontained objects)
  2. Assign user rights for you/your group (Right click - Properties - Security - Advanced - Permissions - Change permissions - Add your user/group (I use Administrators) - Tick Full control; Also tick Replace all child permissions...)
Afterwards you should have full access to the files/folders.

I know, it sounds complicated, but question is, what would you expect the system to do? The system must honour the access rights. If the file has owner that...
Think I might start backing up all my important stuff right now actually as I hate doing it before a fresh install, might aswell get myself prepared early. :razz:

So 7260, 7261 and 7262 didnt get the votes required from the vote so 6.1.7263.0.win7_rtm.090619-1900 assembled. Im picking we wont see RTM till the end of the month now.

On the basis of what the assembly to collect the final RTM release, the discussion has been rapid and prolonged, as a result, none of the discussed assemblies did not quite get the necessary votes that is the quality of assembly did not meet the required criteria. Immediately after the secret ballot, and summing up the discussion was assembled a new candidate for the final RTM release of this assembly was the assembly: 6.1.7263.0.win7_rtm.090619-1900 - NEW RTM branch build.
By bringing a new assembly of all the departed, and with new force started to work for and the results of the vote was thrown into a furnace.


I don't know if this is information to anyone or just more worthless chatter, but I have 7260 x86 installed and running and I didn't see any RTM designation during the download or install. (Of course, A lot of things get by me unseen sometimes.) I just used the same CD Key that we have been using since the Beta appeared last January. The label on the lower corner of the desktop simply says, "Evaluation copy, Build 7260".

Appears that something later than 7260 will be RTM, huh?

7263 at the earliest from Wzor

If you can believe Wzor, WIN7 7263 at the earliest will be the RTM. (The others have been vetoed):razz:

What Wzor actually says, as translated by a russian, is:

" Microsoft had lengthy voting and discussions about which build to make RTM (7260, 61 or 62), but in the end neither build got the required votes to pass. So they decided to take the 7263 build as a new candidate for RTM. A lot of the post after that is a Angels and Demons parody. "

(Wzor clarified their previous statements about the June 19 date, and stated that the RTM can be expected after the 19th, and not on the 19th. They believe that the 19th is a key date, after which they possibly might find out which release was selected, and its technical info. )

"Since none of the first three builds managed to pass voting, it will be voted on again in two days, and this might repeat itself all the way up to July 13th. However, Microsoft are confident that it will be decided before the end of June."

The number of people with access to the 7263 build is currently extremely limited. All builds of all versions and languages are done on the same day, and no single person or unit at Microsoft will receive the complete information until automated testing has passed.

The build could leak, before anything's "signed" there is no guarantee that thatit is the final RTM.

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well, i have relatively few problems, but does anyone have an answer for my question above???

even when i use the 'take ownership" program, it will not access it.

Hi, in these cases you have to do two things:

  1. Take ownership of the file/folder (Right click - Properties - Security - Advanced - Owner - Edit; for folders, also tick Replace owner on subcontained objects)
  2. Assign user rights for you/your group (Right click - Properties - Security - Advanced - Permissions - Change permissions - Add your user/group (I use Administrators) - Tick Full control; Also tick Replace all child permissions...)
Afterwards you should have full access to the files/folders.

I know, it sounds complicated, but question is, what would you expect the system to do? The system must honour the access rights. If the file has owner that doesn't exist on the system and there are no permissions for you to access the file, this is the only way to get access to the file - if you are an administrator that is. Although it would probably be good to have a utility that would make all this easier (something like Take control).

first of all, it didn't work. i went step for step, and while it looked like it changed permissions, when i reopened the file, it still says i don't have permission.
second, what would i expect the system to do? i would expect it to have a general default, which give permission to anyone who is logged on as an ADMIN!!!! that is what i would expect it to do. i can totally understand having such restrictions on person's who are logged in on a restricted account. but when you are logged in as THE admin of your own computer, then you should not have to play games with it to get it to do what you need to do. that is why so many people are pissssssssssssssed at m$, and turning to mac or unix.
it should not be a complex ordeal, to get your computer to use files and/or folders from other sources. why would any file, other than a sys file, have an owner that doesn't exist on your system? that is just moronic!!! and a systems access rights should be given BY DEFAULT, to the one who owns the system, and who log's into that system as the admin.
isn't that more logical? after all, how does m$ think that they are going to continue to compete with open source and others, if they continue with this kind of crap?

I'm not certain that I really understand what Stevae's problem here is, but I am having similar problems that seem to have just come with build 7260. I am asked for a network password (that doesn't exist) before it will allow me to access files on other computers on the home network. I can access the Windows Home Server itself, but not other computers. I do not have any passwords installed on anything except the server itself and the WPA2 security key. Neither of these passwords satisfy the request for a "network password". Anybody got any suggestions?

I am using the 32 bit version of build 7260.

the problem is that i have a partition setup just for net and downloads. and when i download something to that partition, sometimes, win 7 will not allow me to access it. but when i reload into vista ultimate, on another partition, it will access all of the files on the other partitions. so win 7 needs to give the admin user, the rights to use anything other than maybe a system file. it's as simple as that.

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Stevae, Seems that you and I may have the same underlying problem. Mine asks for a non-existant password to access other network computers and yours asks for permissions to access local partitions when you are administrator of all affected partitions. Perhaps some developer just went overboard somehow in programming security into some of the latest builds. Perhaps this will get straightened out prior to RTM.

I spent a few minutes searching for the "Take Control" application that you mentioned in another thread and came up empty. Do you have a website for the publisher or a different name that might be associated with the program? The unlocker program has failed to unlock the folders that I am attempting to delete.



and enjoy :razz:

If this is true,,, and I believe it is....

So far the leaked 7260 is only \"officially\" a 32-bit VHD and a modified ISO (of that VHD) by SoLoR just like he did for 7232. I'm hearing that soon (tomorrow? day after?) 7261 will be leaked (64-bit). It doesn't really matter if it's also a VHD since SoLoR will have an ISO up in a few hours after leaking anyway.

Stevae and John3347.... you could have bad copies due to the way it was packaged.
I would download again and burn the disk at about 1x. You probably ahve corrupt isntalls.

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so after using an elevated command prompt, and following the steps very carefully to give me sole ownership of one of these files, IT STILL DIDN'T WORK!!! even though the command prompt said that it did all of it successfully.


and enjoy :razz:

If this is true,,, and I believe it is....

Stevae and John3347.... you could have bad copies due to the way it was packaged.
I would download again and burn the disk at about 1x. You probably ahve corrupt isntalls.

not to be contrary, but i don't think that is the case, as i have experienced this in every build that i have loaded, which is quite a few, and the fact that everything else seems to work perfectly. if i dl'd a particular app or file in another version, or from another op sys, win 7 does not want to access them. but if i dl that very same app or file, from the exact place, while using win 7, then there is no problem. and it doesn't do this for all apps and files, only some of them. the ones that it doesn't want to give me access to, are listed in green, instead of the normal black writing that list's the app's title. it's really the only real problem that i have had with 7. and it's not a big enough deal for me to reload my entire system over. just something i was curious to get an answer to, if anyone knew what was causing this. if i really need an app that is affected, then i will just redownload it while using 7.

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Ok I will put us back on topic. Here is Wzors latest news.

June 22, On their way to work, we finally managed to talk to Bill Gates and we asked him one question on the most important issue, which is of interest to all the Internet community, "Which build will be signed off as the final RTM release of Windows 7 Client-Server?".
In addition, we had to complain about Steve Ballmera, he constantly tries to confuse and did not disclose the exact plans for that Bill reasonably remarked, saying that his work "puff" to all the head, next time just ask me and I will talk.
And so, here is a "secret plan" that works well concealed from us, Steve Ballmer:

01.06 - 19.06 BUILDING RTM ESCROW - already assembled RTM ESCROW.
22.06 - 10.07 RTM RECALL - assembly and search for candidates to the final RTM release.
10.07 WINDOWS 7 RTM FINAL BUILD TARGET - build day "gold code".
13.07 WINDOWS 7 RTM SIGN-OFF - the date of signing the final RTM release!

July 10 is when Microsoft employees have access to the RTM build, and therefore from that day might expect leakage assemblies.

No confirmation on 7264 yet.
