
New Member
Aug 6, 2007
No Windows Explorer on Vista Reboot???? [ISSUE RESOLVED, SEE INSIDE]

Hi guys here is a real curvy one for you...

A few days ago my Vista started displaying a very strange error. Whenever I boot up the following happens.

1. I get to welcome screen
2. Vista starts loading as normal
3. Black screen with only "My Documents" folder shows.
4. Regardless if I close the folder or not, Vista will continue to load in the background (mouse cursor and keyboard available and I can see the HDD loading) but it will not start "Explorer" and I am left with a black screen.
5. If I use CTRL ALT DEL it will let me go to task manager and start it manually, but obviously this is not ideal.

The only system changes that I have done are:

1. Uninstalled Vistabootpro (never used it for dual booting, Only ever used Vista to boot)
2. Installed updates for Nero Burning
3. Installed Spybot Search and Destroy and deleted a few adware etc.

Now since this I have uninstalled Nero totally, upgraded to Vista Ultimate to see if that sorted the issue but it hasnt also tried to use system restore and go to an earlier point and that has not helped either.

Also for some reason, my Vista Ultimate does not have the "Repair Vista" option when I start it from disc, so I cannot seem to correct the boot from that.

Any ideas as how to solve this will be greatly appriciated!

The NZ-Lander
Vista Fix

To fix the problem of windows vista giving you only a black screen and a mydocuments window after loading a profile, try this (I did this in Safe Mode):

CTRL + ALT + DEL keys to open the running processes. Open the file menu and try RUN. Now, type in REGEDIT.EXE to open up the registry and visit this key.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\

Find: "Shell" and check the value data. If it's anything more than "explorer.exe" change it to "explorer.exe" only.

Once you change the value to that only, reboot your machine and try to login. Hopefully, it's now restored and you have windows vista back.

Here's my problem; kinda similiar.

I boot; login screen is normal; welcome screen is normal but when it comes to the desktop it's all black. with a message saying remote access manager isn't working properly.

I installed a trial version of Tune Up Utilities 2008 and it expired on the day this all happened. i did change a few icons and start icon and taskbar.

i did a system restore and it was still black. i booted on safe mode and checked everything and there was nothing wrong there. i tried to uninstall Tune Up Utilities but i dont have administrator privileges but i am an admin and the only user on that computer.

help me please !
Gr8 job ppl, fixing the reg worked a dream. This has been a pain in the backside for weeks now and appreciate the fix. Ta