
New Member
Aug 5, 2012
Lets see, where to start.. First off, this problem is concerning a home build which I made personally. If you want more specs than what is listed in my profile, just ask. This home build was working perfectly until some misfortune happed on it. That will be in further detail in the following spoiler.

The situation thus far: Made a home build a couple weeks ago, did it right on the first try. Everything was working perfectly. A couple weeks later, a few days ago from now, a storm hit and lightning struck nearby. Computer started to overload with energy, then the circuit breaker, well, broke the circuit. Started getting multiple BSoDs after that, but instead of writing them down, I decided to do a series of tests, software tests. In the end, I reformatted my drive, not believing thus far that it was a hardware issue. Then, low and behold!, i got a ntfs.sys stop while trying to reload Windows 7 Pro from a disk. I reformatted the drive again, just to make sure no data was on the disk and now I'm here.

This next spoiler contains the data (Technical Information) given by the stop.

Technical Information:
*** 0x00000024 (0x00000000001904FB, 0xFFFFF88004524c28, 0xFFFFF88004524480, 0xFFFFF88001D00c27)
*** Ntfs.sys - Address FFFFF88001D00c27 base at FFFFF88001c54000, Datestamp 4a5bc14f

If more info is needed, or I forgot something, just say so. Currently, that is quite possible, for I am in a rush to get ready for church. Thanks in advance for any help you may give!

1 detail that may be important, the hard drive is from an old Dell Dimension 8400, 149 GB. I will give further info on the hard drive later.
EDIT2: Seems I have to resort to public programs, for Seagate's program is used for hard drives that have an OS already on them. I shall start my own search, but any help would be welcome.

Actually I believe that Seagate Tools for DOS is provided in an ISO format that you can use to create a bootable CD
Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
SeaTools | Seagate
Maybe have a look at the tutorial as well as perhaps downloading the PDF guide.
OK, so you have a computer that evidently was the victim of and electrical surge and possibly even and ESD event.
You have a hard disk, with nothing on it? So we can't see what may or may not have been present in the C:\Windows\minidump folder?
When you attempt to install Windows 7, at some point? You get an NTFS.sys stop error?
Bad hard drive? Bad Disk Controller? Bad or faulty cabling? Maybe?
Go to the hard drive manufacturer's website and obtain their vendor specific hard drive diagnostic software. There should be something available that will support booting to a CD containing the software which should allow you to run their tests on your drive.
Likewise try testing your installed memory to see if it may have taken a hit.
Alright.. after a full day of waiting for the Memtest to do its thing, I got a result. 2 of the 4 ram chips I had were bad. However, I am assuming that the problem hasn't been solved as of yet. As nice as it was to find out my ram was bad (truly.. it makes me feel like I am getting some progress). There is the matter of the hard drive. By the by, its a Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 160GB, M/N: ST3160023AS. Are there any tests to see if the hard drive works?

EDIT: Sorry, just noticed the first part of your advice.. (check the manufacturer website and look for a program) Nonetheless, I would like to be able to use public programs to test the hard drive if possible. I will check seagate's website, but an alternative would be nice.

EDIT2: Seems I have to resort to public programs, for Seagate's program is used for hard drives that have an OS already on them. I shall start my own search, but any help would be welcome.
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EDIT2: Seems I have to resort to public programs, for Seagate's program is used for hard drives that have an OS already on them. I shall start my own search, but any help would be welcome.

Actually I believe that Seagate Tools for DOS is provided in an ISO format that you can use to create a bootable CD
Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
SeaTools | Seagate
Maybe have a look at the tutorial as well as perhaps downloading the PDF guide.
Sorry that I have been absent as of late. I am currently waiting for the new ram to come in and do things one step at a time. I shall test this new ram for defects, and if it has none, I shall test my hard drive for defects. I will come back with more information around this upcoming Friday.
I've just started testing my hard drive (the ram is perfectly fine) and I noticed a strange problem, if it is a problem. I followed your instructions on using Seagate's DOS program and burning it to a disc. The strange thing is, if the HDD is set as main HDD on my motherboard, the program won't read it. Then, when I switch the HDD ports, the program reads it but my motherboard doesn't seem to. Although, shouldn't the motherboard be able to read it if the program can too? I'm just utterly dumbfounded. I have a couple thoughts, but I won't voice them yet.
I did the Seagate test, and everything turned out alright. No errors were found with the HDD. I will format the HDD again, and then try to reinstall Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit. I'll get back with the results, but I fear I may need a new HDD either way (whether it is broken or not, I feel I need more space.)
OK, whatever you decide to do.
But from what you are describing above it sounds like you may either have a controller issue, a cable issue or possibly even a jumper issue.
You are correct in that your BIOS should see your hard drive regardless of how it is attached, assuming no hardware issue and no conflict between jumper settings and cabling (IDE style spinners). Since your drive seems to be SATA then jumper conflicts are not a likely concern.
If your controller is configured to use AHCI rather than Native / IDE, then you will need the controller drivers avaiable (F6) during install.
And you may want to reduce any confusion or possible conflicts during the install by just having the single drive installed (attached) at that time.
Keep us posted as to how you're progressing.
It seems everything is alright. In concern to the computer not reading the hard drive, I believe that it was actually saying that there was no main hard drive attached, because this one is currently attached to a side port. I am currently typing from the previously inoperative computer and everything seems to be going quite right. I just have to install the rest of my drivers and everything should be okay.

Thanks for all your help Randy, for directing me to the Memtest x86+ program and to realize my folly with Seagate's program. Truly, thank you for all the information and support you have given me!

You're certainly welcome. Here's hoping that everything works out well. Be careful installing your drivers, make sure the source is either the MoBo manufacturer or even better the actual device manufacturer whenever possible.
And do not allow the Windows update utility to install device drivers for your installed hardware except in a desperate case of last resort only.
If further issues present themselves we'll be here and will hopefully be able to help.