Windows 10 Nvidia released beta drivers for Windows 10


Excellent Member
Mar 4, 2013
Nvidia released 352.63 beta drivers for Windows 10. Here's the link.
Be forewarned sli still doesn't work in Windows 10. When you enable it, your monitor goes to sleep and you have to push the power button on your pc to shut it off.

I have been using 349.90, the one Microsoft wants to use and it has been giving me Video Driver problems and Blue Screens. Today I installed 350.12 and it seems to be quite a bit better and have not gotten any problems since I installed it and my games are running much better.

I will look at your link to see what might be going on. You would think Microsoft would have at least upgraded the Nvidia driver to 350.12 since it is newer. The 352.63 driver was just released yesterday. I suppose that was not a coincidence since it was known a new build would be released.

Have you run the DX12 benchmark in 3D Mark? Of course, Windows 8.1 will not run that. Also, I discovered the test will not run if you have SLI enabled.

I'll check it out, I'm at 349.90, and it's listed as up to date..

PS. Funny when I went there the latest driver I could find was 350.12, and no mention of Windows 10?

OK, found it here...

I downloaded it and I'll install it tomorrow and see what happens.


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I got them from the page I provided the link for. Where you select on the right side you have to either choose all or beta. I will say though, that I don't know if it's Windows 10 or Nvidia, but sli has never worked so far in Windows 10. The 350.12 is the current non-beta driver. They released that one the day before Grand Theft Auto 5 was released. The 349.90 driver is Microsoft's generic Nvidia driver. The beta I listed is a official Nvidia beta driver.

It's a shame sli still doesn't work in 10. Currently due to that fact, Windows 8.1 is kicking 10's ass in 3DMark for that sole reason. In 8.1 I get 88** in FireStrike. In Windows 10, I get 57** in FireStrike. If you enable sli in 10, it turns your monitor light to yellow and you're screen goe's completely black. Once, you physically hold the pc's power button down, until it shut's off and you re-turn it back on, sli is disabled and your monitor works perfectly. It's done that one, since the very first build of 10.

Did you get the new build of 10 that was released earlier for the fastlane ? That's why, I decided to give Nvidia's site a look. I figure now that build is going on, we should start seeing 10 beta driver's now.

I was gonna get a GeForce GTX 960 card, but my 760's show better benchmark scores on every magazine/tech site that's tested AMD & Nvidia card's.I've also, seen alot of people having issue's with the GeForcce GTX 970's.
The rest are unaffordable for me.

I have been using 349.90, the one Microsoft wants to use and it has been giving me Video Driver problems and Blue Screens. Today I installed 350.12 and it seems to be quite a bit better and have not gotten any problems since I installed it and my games are running much better.

I will look at your link to see what might be going on. You would think Microsoft would have at least upgraded the Nvidia driver to 350.12 since it is newer. The 352.63 driver was just released yesterday. I suppose that was not a coincidence since it was known a new build would be released.

Have you run the DX12 benchmark in 3D Mark? Of course, Windows 8.1 will not run that. Also, I discovered the test will not run if you have SLI enabled.

I just installed the Beta driver and enabled SLI. I did not see the Must Shutdown these apps window.

It is amazing how the SLI is in some way related to the Start Screen.

Real Testing will probably wait until tomorrow...


I have them installed and they seem to be working OK, I'm only using one video card, so no SLI.

I did have the application freeze up when I tried to run the 3D test with anti-aliasing turned on.

I did it three times and I had to sign out to get the window closed each time.

It works fine with anti-aliasing turned off.

I haven't tried to run Stereo in a game yet.


I have runn the dx12 benchmark, but without sli working the result will be way lower. It is for the 2 dx 11 test's compared to in 8.1. Everything else scores a lot higher in 8.1 in 3DMark as sli works in it.


I found that it crashes whatever I run, if I turn Anti-aliasing on and try to run 3D Vision.
I'm also having problems randomly with the video not coming back on when I wake my computer from sleep mode.


From what AMD has said 10 is gonna be released in July. Personally, I don't think it's anywhere close to being ready. If they do give it to us in July, I'm staying away from it for a few month's, so they can fix bugs that shouldn't really exist.
Mail & Calendar finally work in the current build. However People hasn't worked in 3 builds now.
It really seems like Microsoft is more interested in adding new features to 10, instead of fixing bugs in their own app's.
They did finally add a check for updates feature to the Store beta in this build. I don't believe it actually works yet.
It's hidden, just like Microsoft likes hiding things.
Most people won't find the hidden things that shouldn't be hidden.

Yeah, I find it really hard to believe that it will be ready for release before fall.
I don't think they should rush it.

Better to make sure it's right before they make is available.

I had to look allover the place to find my sound setting, which I've always gotten to through personalize from the right click menu.

I just heard through Neowin that Microsoft isn't including/adding WMC to Windows 10. Therefore, I'm through wasting my time on 10. Windows 8.1 does what I want. 10 doesn't. Now, I see no valid reasons to upgrade. I've been in the process of letting my Microsoft subscriptions expire since January. The last one dies at the end of the month.
I see no valid reason to re-new any of them or waste money on anything Microsoft.
When 8.1 loses support to get updates, Microsoft loses a 20 year customer for good.

Windows 10 TP officially uninstalled off my 2nd ssd. Not wasting any more time on it or installing final version on anything.
Wonder how the companies that make tv tuners for pc's are going to feel about Microsoft attempting to kill their busineeses. I'm sure Apple & Google will be more than happy to oblige them and further knock the nails into Microsoft's coffin.

I just heard through Neowin that Microsoft isn't including/adding WMC to Windows 10. Therefore, I'm through wasting my time on 10. Windows 8.1 does what I want. 10 doesn't. Now, I see no valid reasons to upgrade. I've been in the process of letting my Microsoft subscriptions expire since January. The last one dies at the end of the month.
I see no valid reason to re-new any of them or waste money on anything Microsoft.
When 8.1 loses support to get updates, Microsoft loses a 20 year customer for good.
Media centre is being killed off period.


Does that mean they won't have Media Player in Windows 10?

Boy, I'd really miss Media Player, it's always been the universal player for me, it would play anything.
I have it running now in Windows 10 TP and it works great.

Or will you still be able to download and install Media Player as a stand alone application?

I'm finding that things that play fine in Media Player don't run in the W10 video app.

I do use WinAmp for music most of the time, but I've always used Media Player for Video.
It's also how Cortana accesses my music files in Windows 10 when I ask her to play it.


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Media Player will still be there.
I use VLC for more facilities. As good as, even better than, WMC

I've used WMC for a long time and almost use any of the Media Center stuff.
