
New Member
Apr 15, 2017

I've been getting a BSOD every few days, I think it is becoming more frequent.

I'm not sure what other info I can provide at the moment, but I have attached the file generated by your diagnostic tool. Please let me know if I can help with anything else!

Thank you!


*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 12B, {ffffffffc00002c4, aab, 4235fde0, ffffb80148785000}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : memory_corruption

Followup:     memory_corruption
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 12B, {ffffffffc00002c4, aab, 4235fde0, ffffb80148785000}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : memory_corruption

Followup:     memory_corruption
all three of the dumps sent can in some way be linked to a memory or driver issue.

I can see however that a lot of your crashes were to do with the game 'HellDivers'? See if this guide helps at all (I didn't see it suggested but if it does do not use any type of driver update app as these only get it wrong and your better off finding the driver's yourself)
Link Removed

Driver wise you don't look in too bad a shape apart from these two:

MBfilt64.sys Fri Jul 31 04:40:32 2009: Realtek HiDefinition Audio driver (file labelled as Creative Audio Driver):
Link Removed

WmBEnum.sys Tue Apr 27 21:10:19 2010: Logitech WingMan Virtual Bus Enumerator Driver please update if possible:
Logitech Support + Downloads

If the bsod continues then you'll need to test your RAM. Windows does have a memory testing app but it can miss errors and the best app for the job is Memtest86.
If you open the link below you'll see you can run Memtest86 in two ways. You can either burn it to disk or install it onto a USB drive it's entirely up to you. You'll then need to enter the bios to change the boot order so you can boot from either the Disk or USB stick you have Memtest86 on.
You must test for at least 12 hours unless it becomes obvious there is a problem straight away.
Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

Post any new dump files.

Hello Kemical,

Thanks for your quick reply! I ran 12 hours of Memtest86 immediately after your reply, and after 2+ passes, it did not find any errors.

One thing to note, is that I've only ever ran "Helldivers" twice, once for 5 minutes, another time for about an hour, and the app hadn't been run for days when I encountered the last crash. As a matter of fact, of either of the two times I've ran that application, Windows didn't crash even relatively close to the time the app was running, although I think the application itself did give a strange crash error the two times I exited it.

Regardless, I will uninstall the game, and will try to update those two drivers soon. I will post the next BSOD when it occurs, but it may not be for days, or perhaps even a week or two.

Thanks again so much for your input!

Hello Kemical,

Thanks for your quick reply! I ran 12 hours of Memtest86 immediately after your reply, and after 2+ passes, it did not find any errors.

One thing to note, is that I've only ever ran "Helldivers" twice, once for 5 minutes, another time for about an hour, and the app hadn't been run for days when I encountered the last crash. As a matter of fact, of either of the two times I've ran that application, Windows didn't crash even relatively close to the time the app was running, although I think the application itself did give a strange crash error the two times I exited it.

Regardless, I will uninstall the game, and will try to update those two drivers soon. I will post the next BSOD when it occurs, but it may not be for days, or perhaps even a week or two.

Thanks again so much for your input!
Your very welcome and hope the changes you make have some success. Unfortunately dump file issues can be a pain to find at times and your suggestion is a good one. I'll await your next post, good luck!
