
New Member
Jan 9, 2010

About a year ago I put together a new PC and it worked flawlessly for a few months until I started (seemingly) randomly getting BSOD's with the error message being "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL". This was never dire enough for me to look into it, as a quick restart was all that I'd need to be up and going for a few days/weeks before seeing the message again.

Well recently my computer has been rendered basically unusable because I'm getting BSOD's with either the "IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" or "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" I did some research and it looked like both of those problems were associated with driver problems, so I went ahead and did a clean install of Windows 7 and drivers to see if that would solve the problem. Unfortunately, it did not.

So since then I've been swapping out whatever parts I have spares of to see if I could identify what exactly was causing the problem. I've swapped out the GPU (9800GTX), the HDD, and even went so far as to buy a new motherboard after having a friend diagnose that as the problem. Nothing changed.

I'm having a friend bring over some compatible memory tomorrow to try and swap that in, but I've no idea if that will change anything.

Does anyone have any experience with this and could help me out? This is the desktop I do all of my work on, so it's critical that I get running again soon.

Also: Here's just some random things that can trigger a crash 100% of the time: Anytime I run a full-3d game (flash games and low-spec games work without a hitch, though). anytime I try transferring files from my desktop to my laptop via network or cross-over cable, anytime I do anything that puts much stress on the CPU/HDD (having many programs running at once or anything equally hardware intensive)

And here's my PC specs:
4gb DDR2 RAM
AMD Athlon 6400+
Asrock A790GMH/128M mobo (this is the new one I just purchased)
550W PSU

If you need anymore information feel free to ask! I've been working on this problem for a few weeks now when I have the time and I've gotten nowhere
I hope that tomorrow you find that the memory was the problem, but in the mean time, do you have the ability to disable the onboard video adapter from within the bios?
I hope that tomorrow you find that the memory was the problem, but in the mean time, do you have the ability to disable the onboard video adapter from within the bios?