Windows 10 passwords and security


Fantastic Member
Mar 31, 2011
My ISP is set up so that I can sign in with a username and password as in most sites.
However, if I click on settings, I can see the secure network within my house and by clicking on [hide/see] I can see the same key that is in the gateways router which I can access by typing in the address bar. It used to be
This makes me wonder how many eyes are on this 'key' including the ISP itself.
I used to bridge the router and use my own but as some literature says, there are some downsides to ding so.
I don't want to open a can of worms about router settings which can go on forever;I just wanted an opinion of the better security and if there are major downsides to a bridged router.
If by bridged router you mean a separate modem and router no there is no downside, and in fact it's preferable in my opinion. The combo devices and modems can receive commands that the ISP can send to it including firmware update. By having them separate the ISP can't do anything to the router.

Also the fact that your local network segment changed would indicate either you replaced the router or you changed the address range otherwise it wouldn't have changed on it's own. Either way both 192.168.X.X and 10.X.X.X are non-routable address spaces used by everyone.
How to make passwords secure
>Make sure you use different passwords for each of your accounts.
>Be sure no one watches when you enter your password.
>Always log off if you leave your device and anyone is around—it only takes a moment for someone to steal or change the password.
>Use comprehensive security software and keep it up to date to avoid keyloggers (keystroke loggers) and other malware.
>Avoid entering passwords on computers you don’t control (like computers at an Internet café or library)—they may have malware that steals your passwords.
>Avoid entering passwords when using unsecured Wi-Fi connections (like at the airport or coffee shop)—hackers can intercept your passwords and data over this unsecured connection.
>Don’t tell anyone your password. Your trusted friend now might not be your friend in the future. Keep your passwords safe by keeping them to yourself.
>Depending on the sensitivity of the information being protected, you should change your passwords periodically, and avoid reusing a password for at least one year.
>Do use at least eight characters of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols in your password. Remember, the more the merrier.
>Strong passwords are easy to remember but hard to guess. Iam:)2b29! — This has 10 characters and says “I am happy to be 29!” I wish.
I am using caution with passwords and will continue to us the isp router rather than my own, for now.
Thank you
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