Windows 7 Payware Aircraft for Flight Simulator X


New Member
Dec 15, 2009
I have Captain Sim 757, Level-D Simulations 767, and PMDG 747. I was wondering, is there anyway to back these up? Or will they transfer over onto Windows 7 with Flight Simulator X?
Thanks, I really appreciate the help.

Yes, they will transfer if you upgrade. Most people will tell you to do a clean install and it is the better option.

However, I made certain that I had a clean, solid Vista setup and upgraded with no trouble whatsoever. All FSX aircraft and settings transferred, I just clicked and it ran.
I don't think they will be transferred over and there is no way to back them.
That is unless you do an "upgrade" which is highly NOT recommended. Always perform a clean install of any operating system.
Those are three great aircrafts for FSX.
Contact the makers to see if they will allow you to download them again.
Good luck,

You may be able to copy the files for the aircraft's from C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FSX\Aircraft but since they were installed with executables (correct me if I'm wrong?) they most likely still wouldn't work
You're very welcome, thanks for using the Windows 7 Forums
See you around.

Yes, they will transfer if you upgrade. Most people will tell you to do a clean install and it is the better option.

However, I made certain that I had a clean, solid Vista setup and upgraded with no trouble whatsoever. All FSX aircraft and settings transferred, I just clicked and it ran.
