
Senior Member
Jul 16, 2011
My system installed he W7 SP1 a week or so ago - immediately had a problem: my ATI 9600 graphics card stopped working with the upgraded driver giving the error message: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing (code 39). The legacy drivers from AMD/AT also did not work - so I am currently stuck with MS standard VGA driver and oval shaped circles at a resolution well below thy native resolution of my monitor. Feedback from MS is that the card is not supported (legacy), however, their W7 hardware compatibility webpage shows the card to be compatible (at least the original version of W7 was)

I had thought of buying a new graphics card until I discovered today the neither my DVD ROM (Samsung) or DVD RW (LG) drives are working, both also showing the same error message as my graphics card showed. As Windows describes both the ROM and RW drive as 'generic', I wonder whether the upgrade to W7 SP1 has caused a more fundamental problem. As with the graphics card, updating with drivers from the manufactures websites has not helped.

Has anybody else experienced similar problems with the installation of W7 SP1 or know what how I can solve these three problems - unfortunately, I can't use restore as the only versions available are post SP1?

you could try giving this download a go:

Link Removed

Thanks for the reference.

Ran the System Readiness Tool (Windows 7 for x86) reported no report any integrity violations in either of the log files. The ATI Radeon 9600 graphics driver (v8.593.100.00 date 10/Feb/2010) that previously worked was again listed as as available, but no longer works and now gives the error message: 'Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems (code 43) - NB the previous error message was code 39)'. One additional change: the all the LG DVD RW device is now listed under device manager simply as DVD ROM and all the manufacturers information that was previously listed has disappeared.

Also found a 'things to do list before installing W7 SP1:

Ran SCF/SCANNOW - no integrity errors reported
Ran FIXIT - identified the three problems (DVD ROM / DVD RW drivers and ATI Radeon 9600 graphics), but did not fix anything and simply reported that the device drivers needed to be reinstalled.

This list also stated that Windows should have installed three updates prior to installing W7 SP1: KB2533552, KB2534366 and KB2455826 - while the first two were installed, the third was not installed.

I can find no other help on the MS site on what is causing these problems, particularly the DVD ROM and RW devices as the drives for these should be generic.

Is there any guarantee that these devices would work again if I uninstalled SP1?

I'm kinda irritated that SP1 has effectively crippled a working PC - I could have lived with the graphics card issue, but no DVD drive access makes the PC effectively useless - any other suggestions.

I ran the Windows 7 Compatible Hardware, Device Drivers & Downloads program - main findings:

Graphics card does not support Aero (knew that)
Kernal USB Software Bus by TCP was unknown

Other than 4 software programs, there were no other incompatibilities - what was curious was that the DVD devices were not listed separately - so I am no further - I can send a copy of the report if that helps. System should be compatible (the hardware is also listed as compatible on the web site, but three devices still don't work.

Two additional findings. I tried updating the missing update (KB2454826) that was supposed to be installed prior to installing SP1, but wasn't - when I tried to install the X86 version the stand alone installer gave the message 'The update is not applicable to your computer'. I can see no exceptions for this update - so why did I get the error message? Secondly, every time that there is now a windows update that requires a restart, the computer hangs and I have to shut it down, but then restarts okay on manual boot.

When I searched Code 39 on the Microsoft support, I found a reference to corrupted register values for causing DVD drives to stop working - the solution proposed appears to have resolved the problem, so I am now down to the graphics card and perhaps the easiest solution is to upgrade the AGP bus graphics card with one that is W7 certified.

Any other suggestions?

It does sound from what you say that some data has become corrupted for reasons unknown. Try running the system file checker:

Right click on command prompt and run as admin. Then type:

sfc /scannow

Press enter and the scan will start.

Upgrading the graphics is a great idea.

I don't have an ATI card, but many of the conversations center around the Catalyst drivers. Have you updated or removed and reinstalled the entire driver suite or just part?

When you uninstall drivers, you will normally be give an option to remove all drivers, perhaps that would help. I did not check the ATI site to see if there is a driver cleaner.

I do not really understand why SP1 would have made your card unusable, it just doesn't seem to have that much which would effect your devices.

Ran SCF/SCANNOW - gave a clean bill of health. Found a fix for code 39 errors at Your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs - listed for XP, but DVD drives both work after removing the registry entries highlighted - so this just leaves the graphics card issue. Suggests that the Code 43 error may also be registry error, but can't find any info relating to graphics cards. I did remove the ATI Catalyst software after installing it when the driver installed during SP1 upgrade did not work, but this has left remnants of the installation that I can't get rid of and I can't find anything on AMD/ATIs website that will completely remove drivers and software. Unless anybody knows of possible registry errors that could cause the code 43 error, I think I will simply upgrade the graphics card with one that is W7 certified as the ATI Radeon 9600 is now deemed legacy hardware, just annoying that a SP upgrade forced this.

Thanks Kemical and Saltgrass for your help.

Try this app: Link Removed

Use it sparingly though as it can cause as many problems as it fixes..

Progress of sorts - I forgot that I had a DriverScanner. Ran this ad it found a number of drivers listed as out-of-date, three of which were graphics related: 1) the graphics driver; 2) NTATIvrv01; 3) SiS AGP driver (see attached PDF file).

As the problem appeared to be graphics card related, I installed the VGA driver first - this installed a Radeon 9600 driver that gave the same code 43 error. I then installed the SiS AGP driver, but on restarting the computer in normal mode the login screen was broken up into 'wiggling' horizontal lines.

When I restarted in safe mode and looked at the Device Manager. Neither Sis AGP driver was reported to be working normally, in addition so was the Radeon 9600 driver - in addition, for the first time since the problem occurred both the primary (digital) and secondary (analogue) drivers were present. Installing the NTativrv01 driver didn't appear to have any effect. I used the system restore to go back to the situation before installing driver updates and am back to square one

However, it would appear that the problem is not with the graphics card / driver, but with the AGP port driver. Since the update was only one version higher that the old driver.

Any idea what is causing the problem with the AGP driver and is there anything I can do to solve it? I'm at a loss as to what to do because if the issue is caused by the AGP bus I wonder whether buying a new graphics card will work.


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