
New Member
Jan 13, 2009
Hi all,
I've planned to install 7 on my Pc, but a friend of mine, warned me, that this could distroy my whole Software System.
I would install 7 on a second HDD, and I would boot always, from that Disc, not from the one with XP on it.
Actually I think, that this should'nt make problems, but I'd like to hear your opinions first.
Hope that you can help me, greetings from germany ;-)

Windows 7 works fine for me.
I own Vista Ultimate edition (Microsoft gave it to me for free... I was a beta tester) and I prefer windows 7 to vista.

No problems at all on my end.

Hi hakhat and Welcome to Windows7forums! :)

I'm sorry to say but your friend is sadly mistaken.. it is never a good idea to install Beta software if you've never done so before and have no idea how to install an OS.. but if you have tested software before and know what your doing with computers than you shouldn't have any problems.. but as with any Beta software it's a do at your own risk decision.. ;) If you have 2 Hard Drives then yes it would be a good idea to use the 2nd one to put Windows 7 on.. but how you install/partition your drives is entirely up to you.. I have installed both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows 7 Beta and have had no problems at all.. Just keep in mind though everyones pc is different and although alot of us haven't had any problems there are just as many that have had driver issues and some hardware incompatibility among other small bugs.. Also remember that Windows 7 is in BETA stages which means there is a possibility that some issues may arise (this goes for any Beta software).. but that's the purpose of a Beta.. to find these bugs/issues and send feedback to Microsoft so they can fix them for the final release.. ;) If you do decide to try out the Win 7 beta and have problems, this is a great forum to get help, there is all kinds of information available here.. in fact it might not hurt to have a look around at some of issues people have been having before you install the Beta if you so choose.. You'll be able to get a rough idea of what you'd be getting into that way. :)

HAHA Radenight i see you have caught on to the siggnature drift. But yes Radenight is correct that if you dont have any clue what the hell you are doing please dont even try to install the BETA. All you are going to do is ruin your own computer and none of us here at Windows 7 forums want that to happen. Please either find someone hw knows what they are talking about and ask them to help you out or just dont even think about it. Thanks!!!:razz:

Thanks for all your help!
I've installes 7 now on a virtual Pc with Microsoft Virtual Pc.
Of course, I've made some backups ;-)
But up to now, there are no problems:razz:

I made the BIG mistake of making Win7 as my OS over the top of Vista. I am in the process of doing a complete Recovery and have made a back up for all my important stuff. I would still like to be able to review and keep up to date on Win7 so my question is, after I do the Recovery and OS is back to "Out of the Box" condition can I get an External hard drive and download Win7 to it and keep abreast of the changes there doing? I like Win7 and its new features plus this is a great forum to ask these type of questions.

You can but it is not recommend installing an OS to an external hard drive as they are generally used for storage and backup.

If you install it to an external drive, you will need to make sure it is always plugged in and powered on or you may encounter issues when you turn or or restart your computer.

If your hard drive is big enough, i would just make a second partition and install Win7 on it so you can dual boot to which ever OS you choose.

Just got through doing a complete Recovery and doing away with Win7, which I mistakenly made it over ride Vista OS. Will use external hard drive for storage and backup as you suggested. There is no uninstall for Win7 so those that made it their OS they will have to do a full Recovery and then buy Win7. I liked what I saw in Win7's taskbar, Control Panel lists of test items, and its was different. I won't be the first running to buy the release until I get feed back from it. The way the economy is going, with Circuit City closing down, there may not be too many places open to sell it. Have a great week-end!

Just got through doing a complete Recovery and doing away with Win7, which I mistakenly made it over ride Vista OS. Will use external hard drive for storage and backup as you suggested. There is no uninstall for Win7 so those that made it their OS they will have to do a full Recovery and then buy Win7. I liked what I saw in Win7's taskbar, Control Panel lists of test items, and its was different. I won't be the first running to buy the release until I get feed back from it. The way the economy is going, with Circuit City closing down, there may not be too many places open to sell it. Have a great week-end!

There are lots of other options besides using "recovery discs" to get rid of an OS... For one, you could reinstall 7 and hope that solves any issues you may be having.. or you could do a clean install of another OS and start fresh that way.. Personally I'd rather do a clean install in the first place rather than using recovery discs only to get back all the bloat that was with the initial installation.. ;)

Plus if you actually made backups of all your data than I really can't see any reason why you'd want to do a recovery over a clean install.. But that's just me I guess...

I really don't know what your talking about when you say there may not be many places to buy it.. Circuit City is a large business but your forgetting the thousands of e-tailers that sell computer hardware/software as well as the thousands of stores that Circuit City has nothing to do with that sell computer hardware/software.. I really don't think we'll have to worry about not being able to find a place to buy a copy of Windows 7 when it comes out.. :) And who knows, by the time 7 comes out in stores the economy could be on the upward climb again.. I doubt it but hey.. anything is possible.. :)

You are right about the e-tailers and I hope the economy is on the upward climb. Let me know when you get inside info on when it is going to come out and the cost. You're the best...
