
Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
I was running a GeForce 8800 GTS 512 card and decided an upgrade was in order. So off I went did a bit of research and on this purchased a RadeonHD 5770 1G.

Well from day one playing BFBC2 became a nightmare with game freezing (few seconds at a time) in the game. Also I would always have a major freeze on my first spawn. Never did have these issue on my 8800 card? Anyway after trying everything and asking on various forums it seemed that there was no solution to my problem. So I took the card back and changed it out for a GeForce GTX 470 at a much higher price. My issue with game freezing was sorted out however this then lead me to further upgrading CPU, MB and RAM.

This was the first ATI card I have ever tried and will be the last, maybe I just had a dud card who knows. Anyway lately I seem to be seeing a lot of people experiencing similar issue with this card on Win7.

So my question is there a problem with this card and drivers on Win 7 or is this card just not that good a card :confused:


I feel like an idiot, but solved my problem simply by reseating my card. Can't believe I didn't try it before, but I suppose the fact that it worked so well in some games just threw me. Complete answer is copied below, Link Removed due to 404 Error:

Well, I've solved it! Unfortunately it was the last thing I tried (edit: thinking about it, this is sort of inevitable as I didn't need to try anything else afterwards, but you know what I mean).

Noticed that GPU-Z was indicating "PCI-E x16 @ x2". Ignored it before, thinking it was something that I just didn't quite understand. Thanks to Google, I worked out to reseat my card and it popped up to "@ x16". Now running MW2 at around 40FPS with my settings (depending massively...