Windows 10 Recover wireless network pass-phrase the easy way

*NOTE* Please note this only works if you have at least one Windows computer that is able to connect to the wireless access point.

*NOTE* This works on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10

  • Press the WinKey and type cmd
  • Right click Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator
  • Type netsh wlan show profiles
  • You should get output similar to this
User profiles
All User Profile : Starbucks WiFi
All User Profile : attwifi
All User Profile : D&B_Guest
  • Now type netsh wlan export profile name="D&B_Guest" folder="C:\" key=clear (replace name="<yournetwork>"
  • Now go to the folder location and open the the file <NetworkAdaptername - WirelessProfileName.xml> in this case Wi-Fi 2 - D&B_Guest.xml and look at the entry labeled KeyMaterial and you should see the wireless pass-phrase
Of course there are a bunch of free utilities, I was just highlighting how to accomplish it without any 3rd party tools