Windows 7 Refresh a shared folder


I've been sharing a folder with my Samsung Smart TV to allow me to watch video files. When I add a file to that folder however it takes hours before appearing on the Smart TV. I've tried turning the TV on and off but no avail. I feel that I need to somehow refresh the folder to allow it to show up on the TV. Anyone know where I am going wrong?

P.S I'm using the 'share with' feature in the toolbar on the top.
How do you add the file? wireless? Depending on the file size of the movie, it may take a while before the transfer of your files may get completed. It's also like downloading a movie. Transfer speeds depend on network speed.
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I just add the file to the folder that I have shared with my network for other devices to access. My laptop has to be on for the files to appear so they don't upload anywhere do they? I thought they just appeared to other devices so they can access the file from my laptop?
Maybe you just need to restart your TV or the program on your TV that access the folder so that the new added files will appear.