I'm not sure I agree that this method of upgrade is neat, keen or even slick at all.
This thing was huge, nearly the size of the initial ISO. It installed as an upgrade, leaving us with about a 3.5 or so GB Windows.OLD folder. And we all know how well most upgrades actually do overall.
If this is the method they are going to continue to use after the final GA release, I don't believe I'm gonna like it any better then.
Rumors are indicating that this will be the last major Windows release ever and that we'll be running Windows 10 for a very, very long time with annual updates like 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, etc., etc.
You'd have to be completely oblivious not to know that in the past, there has been some serious problems with Windows Updates.
So what happens if you have an issue, any issue with your Operating System? You start back at 10 and perform multiple huge updates to get back to where you were when the problem occurred?
I don't know about anyone else but I'll take a good old fashion ISO and the ability to do a custom clean install, every time.
The fact that it is so difficult for so many people to actually get their hands on a Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 ISO currently, to me seems complete BS.
And it doesn't look like they're going to make it any easier in the foreseeable future. I just don't get it, nor to I get the whole giddiness of OH boy, isn't this cool, I just got a three gig upgrade automagically.
That's me venting. Things are maybe easier for the drones but when those drones need help from tech enthusiast, it sure would be nice to have some resources available so we could actually help someone.