Windows 7 To day my desck top Icons have stopped working several times


Honorable Member
Dec 23, 2009
For the first time (today) when I double click on my desktop Icons it works a few times then none work at all, going to start>programmes you can select a programme and it runs fine. The only way to get things back to normal is by logging out and in again, selecting re-start or full shut down and restart. each time it's back to normal, but clicking on various icons (totalling about three times) all Icons become inactive again again - I have done nothing unusual today, but I had two MS updates, I thinks this was earlier this morning. I have checked defrag, and system check - nothing found. It's a real nuisance - and any help/suggestions will be much appreciated.

Sorry I should have said I am running Windows7

Hi Cybercore, Thanks for the prompt reply, I have done this (has to restore back to 14 days ago, seems ok now, but will keeps my fingers crossed.

It's done another mass of updates.

What sets the restore points, I would have thought I should have one not so long back as 14 days.

I believe Windows will create an Auto System Restore Point (apart from when its doing Windows Updates) only if your system is idle. In my case:-

  1. It's never idle. Or
  2. It goes to sleep before System Restore thinks it's a good time to make a (weekly??) Restore Point.
Either way, in 11 months usage of Windows 7 I reckon I could count the Auto Restore Points on one hand.
