Windows 7 Trouble Installing Software

Hashem Elezabi

New Member
Jul 20, 2014
I downloaded "Calibre v1.47.0", and opened the Windows Installer Package normally. I always am able to install software, and this problem met me for the first time. An error message pops up, saying:

This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

I found some threads, but they seemed to be discussing not being able to open a specific type of file (msi in one case), or specific software (OpenOffice in another). Calibre is an E-Book manager, and it is normal software which I was able to download before. They proposed solutions in those threads which seemed to require time and tasks, so I decided not to try them since my problem isn't exactly theirs. I tried some CMD commands though, which they also proposed, to no avail. In the end I decided to post my own case, and I hope this issue is simple and can be easily solved; at least it seems to be so.

Thanks in advance for any help.

If you normally don't have problems installing software and you do it regularly, it suggests that the problem is with what you are trying to install, not your computer. Most of the time, that error message is correct. If there is a problem with the installation file, you don't want to start doing exceptional measures to make it load. That's just asking for trouble.

Two things pop to mind that I would start with. First, sometimes there is a problem with the installation file, itself. Second, sometimes the download is incomplete or gets corrupted. I would try downloading it again, preferably from another source, if possible. Double check that the download was complete and successful. Then try to install it. If you still have...
If you normally don't have problems installing software and you do it regularly, it suggests that the problem is with what you are trying to install, not your computer. Most of the time, that error message is correct. If there is a problem with the installation file, you don't want to start doing exceptional measures to make it load. That's just asking for trouble.

Two things pop to mind that I would start with. First, sometimes there is a problem with the installation file, itself. Second, sometimes the download is incomplete or gets corrupted. I would try downloading it again, preferably from another source, if possible. Double check that the download was complete and successful. Then try to install it. If you still have problems, contact the developer and ask whether they are aware of any problems with the installation file.

I re-downloaded the file, tried different sources, and tried different versions. Strangely, all had the same problem. It seems the installation files are really corrupt, but I didn't contact the developer. Instead, I was fortunately able to download the program in the form of a zip file, and it doesn't need installation. It worked!

Thanks a lot!

Great. Thanks for getting back with the results. It's always better, anyway, if you can use a program without having to install it.
