
New Member
Jan 18, 2009
If anyone is having this problem where the network shows up as unidentified and you have local access only its most likely because you let your computer go into "Sleep" mode. This was a common problem for people in Vista and it still seems to be an issue in Windows 7. I had to disable sleep mode on all my machines running 7. The only way I could "fix" this problem after it had happened was to shutdown the computer and remove the power cable for a few minutes to power down the LAN.
Verified the Cause...


Check to see if you have this little devil in your services list:

"##Id_String2.6844F930_1628_4223_B5CC_5BB94B879762 ##"

If you do, stop it and disable it. It is actually the Bonjour DNS Responder Service, and I believe it is the cause of the "Unidentified Network."

The Unidentified Network disappeared after stopping this service and a quick disable/enable of the NIC, restoring Internet access.

I Actually just rebooted, edited this post, and then re-enabled the offensive service to see what would happen...Immediately after enabling the NIC and this bastard service, the "Unidentified Network" returned...stopped it, disabled...
Re: The Easiest Way To Solve This Proplem!

I had to create an account just so I could say thank you.

I was in trouble with "Bonjour" and "No internet access in Windows7" for nearly 2 weeks. Now I am so happy because my network and internet connection is perfect.

Thank you so much again.
I had to create an account just so I could say thank you.

I was in trouble with "Bonjour" and "No internet access in Windows7" for nearly 2 weeks. Now I am so happy because my network and internet connection is perfect.

Thank you so much again