Windows 7 updates and no support


New Member
Dec 1, 2008
I have set update settings to every setting they have. I do get deffinations updates. Isen't Microsoft supporting Windows 7 at all????? It seams we are all out here dooing them a favor and they are setting on their xxxxx doing nothing at all. I have sent them several problems and NOTHING AT ALL !!!!! I am just about to right this pice of xxxx off and go back to somthing that works right . Windows 7 is full of buggs and they M/S have not fixed any of them at all. I spend most of my time rebooting to fix a lockup that never gets fixed at all. If this is the experiance they wanted then Windows 7 will be alot worse that Windows Vista was. WINDOWS 7 IS A BIG FLOP FOR ME, AND I AM NOT ALONE . COME ON MICROSOFT GET OFF YOUR BUTS AND GET IT GOING. OR YOU WILL BE FACING A BIG FLOP AGAIN. CAN'T YOU EVER GET IT RIGHT??

Thomas :cool:

I've tested both versions of W7 every which way from Sunday on all sorts of Hardware.
Nearly everything I managed eventually get working -- A lot of silly problems I had were actually my fault -- OK for example it's not always easy or intuitive to get XP machines to network cleanly with VISTA and W7 but usually it can be made to work with a bit of perserverance.

This is a BETA OS so one should expect some problems and of course if you are a heavy gamer using the ultimate in newest and fastest Video cards you are probably going to be disappointed.

I've only really had 3 "Unsolvable" problems with Windows 7.

1) IE8 doesn't work properly -- some web sites requiring certificates or some https:// sites just do nothing -- get around use...
Isn't that a little ungrateful?
You were handed down a fully working Beta. There was no promise of anything else. Keeping topmost in your mind it was a beta, it was your choice to try it.
Of course you are doing them a favour, that was the whole point of the Beta offer. They neede as much feedback as possible, from as wide an audience as possible.

The "builds" which you are constantly reading about, are in house and never intended for public consumption. They are sometimes specific in only one area, for only testing purposes. They can even be released, on accasion, minus a feature or two which was previously seen. They are incorporating feedback received. One valuable feedback contribution is from the enormous amount of third party software being tried around the globe. The selected Beta testers could not possibly cover this range. I would say, though, that it is doubtful that Microsoft would be able to take care of the bugs encountered in that field. Hopefully, though, through the partnership scheme and other communications, those manufacturers will become aware of the problems and issue fixes and updates before Zero hour.
By the way, I have not encountered a great number of bugs in 7. Perhaps if you post a few that you have, on forums such as this one, you will get a satisfactory solution?


Internet Explorer hangs, Drivers for printers don't stay hooked. HP Photosmart all in one 3210 , are the two most big problems. AND THEY COULD BE FIXED . The biggest problem is the update program don't work at all. I have had the beta since the first day and not the first update at all. It flat don'r work. Yes Windows 7 looks good alots of candy but it don't work good enouph to call a os as of yet. If they coutenue to do what they M/S that is then another bit Vista mistake is on the way. If they can't take some constructive advice then it will fail in a big way. Support is where it is at now , and they don't have any. Call them and you will be told so. NO SUPPORT AT ALL.!!!!! And this is a big mistake, Windows 7 has started out with a big bang and will end just as fast if this is what they are going to try to market. Plaine and simple it is not close to a marketing. When we tell them of a big bug and no responce then that is wrong and will make a bif problem. Don't hide from the bugs fix them period. We the customers don't want another bomb. This Windows 7 has a chance to right all the problems with Windows Vista that we all payed big bucks for just to have big piece of sxxx o/s and no way to make it work . It has took themn 3 years to fix Vista and now they want to sell us another. I think they owe us all the vista users a FREE upgrade just because we gave them all the support and bought it. WE DON'T WANT ANOTHER BIG MISTAKE, AND NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE THIS O/S WORK, NOT THREE YEARS FROM NOW.

Thomas :cool:

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So you are saying, on analyse, that you only have two problems. IE is not hanging for me. (I am keeping to the 32 bit, running on a 64 bit OS)
Presumably you have the latest Vista drivers for the printer, and have installed them in compatibility mode? The onus for fixing that particular bug would be with HP, not Microsoft. Thats why, as partners, they have had access to the code for some time now.
What do you mean by "The biggest problem is the update program don't work at all. I have had the beta since the first day and not the first update at all" There have only been two very minor updates so far, which may not have been applicable to your installation. It is unlikely that you will receive very many. Microsoft , as a business, are hardly likely to hand out updates as they become neccessary to bring a Beta up to full release standard..


I am using all Vista 32 and 64 bit drivers. And as for HP drivers I think Microsoft gave us a driver with Windows 7 for the Hp photosmart 3210 all in one and it does not stay hooked and the printer is not working everytime you go to use it. The computers that I am using is of the latest equipment out and very high end . not a cheep Dell . Like I have said they M/s has had time to get their update program working and fix some of these buggs. We their customers don't like to put out into left field and put on hold. If we are going to do this beta test then they should give us the support we need to make Windows 7 what it CAN be period. They should listen to us and fix the bugs as they develop. WE THEIR CUSTOMERS ARE DOING OUR PART, AND THEY SHOULD DO THEIRS AS WELL. They should model themselves after EVGA. You guy anything from them you get a lifetime warenty, and they DO stand behind it. Think of it all they have to do is correct their mistakes they made to start with. Is that asking too much???

Thomas :cool:

I have set update settings to every setting they have. I do get deffinations updates. Isen't Microsoft supporting Windows 7 at all????? It seams we are all out here dooing them a favor and they are setting on their xxxxx doing nothing at all. I have sent them several problems and NOTHING AT ALL !!!!! I am just about to right this pice of xxxx off and go back to somthing that works right . Windows 7 is full of buggs and they M/S have not fixed any of them at all. I spend most of my time rebooting to fix a lockup that never gets fixed at all. If this is the experiance they wanted then Windows 7 will be alot worse that Windows Vista was. WINDOWS 7 IS A BIG FLOP FOR ME, AND I AM NOT ALONE . COME ON MICROSOFT GET OFF YOUR BUTS AND GET IT GOING. OR YOU WILL BE FACING A BIG FLOP AGAIN. CAN'T YOU EVER GET IT RIGHT??


Are you sure it's Microsoft's fault that your having these problems? Because from the sounds of it your computer should be the one to blame.. ;) Windows 7 Beta is a very rock solid, compatible, functional OS (and I can guarantee I'm not the only one who thinks/knows this).. and as stated by davehc, the release of the beta to the general public was never intended to be anything more than a way for Microsoft to get some feedback from more than just IT professionals... I for one have Windows 7 Beta 32 bit and 64 bit running on 4 different PC's (all very different specs) and have had no major problems at all. Any problems (and yes there's bound to be some, even Linux isn't 100% problem free.. ;) ) I have had have been nothing that couldn't be fixed within seconds... I hate to say it but do you have much experience with Beta software?

As for Microsoft "not doing their job" as you so bluntly put it.. I really don't think that's for you to say.. Personally I think they have done their job and done it perfectly. They have created a successor to Vista.. which is currently in BETA stages.. soon to be in RC and RTM stages.. they released the Beta build to anyone and everyone that wanted to try it (many of whom still can't seem to grasp the concept that it's a Beta OS, NOT a final version of an OS, therefore there will be bugs..) and so far they have been taking in tons of feedback in order to help them release a much more polished bug free RC.. which will be analized to death by the appropriate people which will then lead to an RTM that will revolutionize the Windows environement.. :) So yeah... I really think MS is doing their jobs quite nicely when ya sit back and look at the big picture.. If a few people don't understand the difference between a work in progress and the final thing than that's their problem.. not Microsoft's... ;)

Thankyou for stepping in here Radenight!
I was contemplating skipping this thread as it seemed to be a one way, nowin situation.
I would ask Thomas, though, why the enormous change of attitude since your first post on the forum, four weeks ago?

On your last post. If a driver for your printer was included in the package, then it was the last reliable one that HP had supplied to them. If HP should get its act together, and send an update that works, then it will come via the Microsoft update service. But structural updates to the Beta package, you will not get.
Their biggest mistake was to publicise the download as a Beta test. As I said, there is a selected group of Beta testers, working more closely with MS. As well as their own feedback, they will be getting information from sites such as this, and putting it all into the pool. The Beta offer from Microsoft was a well planned move, and is paying back tenfold, with a lot of feedback, probably both erroneous and pertinent, which will make for a good final release.
As a business comapany, it is very unlikely that they will continue to feed the general public patches to bring it up to full final standard. The Beta has done its duty.

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I findley got 2 updates, after bitching in public. All I can say is take a look at these fourms and you will see just how staible it is. There is alot of problems. I don't mind beta testing for them but we do need their support as well. We do not want another Vista. I have spent alot of money on Microsofts os's and do want a good one. Tired of beeing treated like the plage after we buy thrir producs. Just trying to make shure we all get a good Windows 7, and that is called feed back and if they don't listen then it is time to do our bitching in public. Shure that will piss off alot of people, better to be pissed off than spend our money on another Vista. This Windows 7 will make billions in money and we don't need to wast our money on it if it is not going to be a good expeariance, that is what Windows 7 is susposed to be and it is up to all of us to make shure that is what we get. It looks like I findley got through to Microsoft and got my update to work. There was not anything wrong with it to start with, they just was not realsing updates at all. So now that has changed and that is a good thing. If we have to kick start the thing to make it work then WE WILL.
Thanks for your input, mine worked and will make shure it always does. And I have helped make os's befour and made some very good money for the company that realeased it. It was called NewDos-80 for the TRS-80 and was the best out there is it's day.

Thomas :cool:

Thomas, Microsoft put out the beta to get feedback and find bugs, just that, nothing more. They really couldn't give a crap if it works for you completely or not at this stage, as they are only trying to find the problems so they can fix them before the final release, not so they can fix them for you as they go. The purpose of beta software is to see how the OS works in a real environment, not to provide you with a fully working, patch supported OS. They save that for the final release they want you to pay for.

Do you really think they'd give you a fully working OS for nothing?

If you don't like the way it works, go back to another OS. Simple as that.

Free os

I paid for one that was not a good os at all and we will all agree with that, I am not alone when I say Microsoft should give all Vista users what they have already paid for. They could call it a big upgrade and take it off their taxes as well. We all would get what we have paid for. What is wrong with that. In a way all of us Vista users made Windows 7 what is now. At least they are listining to us. What most people don't realize computers use more electrisity that anything else in the world. So that shows you just how big this is. And getting it right or at least near right is not a bad goal at all. :D

Thomas :cool:

Wow, take a pill buddy ...
BTW if you think that you got 2 updates after complaining - KEEP DREAMING :)

I've tested both versions of W7 every which way from Sunday on all sorts of Hardware.
Nearly everything I managed eventually get working -- A lot of silly problems I had were actually my fault -- OK for example it's not always easy or intuitive to get XP machines to network cleanly with VISTA and W7 but usually it can be made to work with a bit of perserverance.

This is a BETA OS so one should expect some problems and of course if you are a heavy gamer using the ultimate in newest and fastest Video cards you are probably going to be disappointed.

I've only really had 3 "Unsolvable" problems with Windows 7.

1) IE8 doesn't work properly -- some web sites requiring certificates or some https:// sites just do nothing -- get around use Firefox / Opera etc.

IE8 RC1 is available in Vista and XP where these problems are fixed so I suspect IE8 will be fixed in the final release (or even in a later build if you can find one).

2) Some built in LAN cards don't work -- major irritant is the VIA velocity Family gigabit ethernet adapter - driver says it's working OK but it always gives "Limited Connectivity".
Get around -- I use either Wireless, a PCI express Lan card or a fast USB==>LAN adapter -- all these 3 work.

3) Some apps needing 3.5 .NET framework don't seem to work properly -- partial get around install the Dotnet.exe in Vista and then do a VISTA ==>W7 Upgrade.

So far I really can't see anything in the Windows Beta that causes some people to have a real gripe at -- maybe these are the same people who would complain if someone started handing out Free Money in the street.

Use the FEEDBACK to report issues that don't work for you.



I came straight from a perfectly working XP Pro and now duel boot with Win 7 on a separate harddrive. I am shocked this is a beta because everything for me works perfect. All software, hardware and even all the games so far. The only issue I have is finding where everything is since I never had Vista. I have no complaints so far so maybe some people complaints might be computer and or user related and not Win 7 issues at all.

I findley got 2 updates, after bitching in public. All I can say is take a look at these fourms and you will see just how staible it is. There is alot of problems. I don't mind beta testing for them but we do need their support as well. We do not want another Vista. I have spent alot of money on Microsofts os's and do want a good one. Tired of beeing treated like the plage after we buy thrir producs. Just trying to make shure we all get a good Windows 7, and that is called feed back and if they don't listen then it is time to do our bitching in public. Shure that will piss off alot of people, better to be pissed off than spend our money on another Vista. This Windows 7 will make billions in money and we don't need to wast our money on it if it is not going to be a good expeariance, that is what Windows 7 is susposed to be and it is up to all of us to make shure that is what we get. It looks like I findley got through to Microsoft and got my update to work. There was not anything wrong with it to start with, they just was not realsing updates at all. So now that has changed and that is a good thing. If we have to kick start the thing to make it work then WE WILL.
Thanks for your input, mine worked and will make shure it always does. And I have helped make os's befour and made some very good money for the company that realeased it. It was called NewDos-80 for the TRS-80 and was the best out there is it's day.


Sorry Thomas but I have to comment on this too... First of all, I agree with the fact that you did NOT get 2 updates from MS just because you bitched in public... I really hope you don't actually think that you did... ;) Secondly, you say that by just looking at the forum you can see how many problems Windows 7 has.. give me a break man... do you honestly believe that?? There is no way you can judge how many problems an OS has from the look of a forum... I'll even explain why just in case you don't know why I'd say that.. ;) Think about it for a minute... how many of these posts are from people who have never Beta tested something before in their lives (they just downloaded it because it was available and they wanted to have the latest thing, not acknowleding the fact that is is BETA software and as such there will be problems/bugs).... ALOT.. ok so take those ones out.. now we're down to about half the total amount of posts that describe "Windows 7 problems".. ;) Ok next.. take out the posts that are repeat posts.. (even if they are worded slightly different, the're still repeat posts).. So now we're down to about a quarter of the total posts... Finally take out the posts that have nothing to do with any actual "problems" but that deal more with 'broken user'... After all that your left with about a handful of actual "problems"- and I mean ligitemate problems that are severe enough to hurt the OS overall... I just really think your being unfair to Win 7.. Just because a couple things won't work for you in it.. doesn't mean it should be labeled as a sh!tty OS before it's even out of BETA stages....

As far as getting a good Windows 7.. Well in my opinion we already have a good Windows 7.. :) And Build 7022 is further proof of that.. I can say that from experience as I have it running on my main PC and guess what.. it installed quicker than build 7000 and works quite a bit better.. so I don't see how you think Windows 7 is crap.. I really don't.. I admit it is frustrating when something works well for so many others and not you... but that isn't reason enough to start bashing MS and saying Windows 7 is junk.. common.. really..

Also, if you don't want to waste your money buying 7 than that's your decision obviously.. but I really don't think you can speak for everyone on that... and yet again what is so wrong with Vista? Do you hate it simply because the general opinion on it is it's crap or because it actually doesn't work good for you? I still use Vista and will continue to use Vista after I've bought a copy of Windows 7 when it's in final form.. Yes, Vista was crappy when it was first released but it is a solid good working OS now.. Same thing with XP.. it was crappy when it first came out but now is a near flawless OS that works well with anything.. But on the flip side, it's old, outdated and very open to malware and things of that nature whereas Vista and Win 7 are not as open to stuff like that..

So all in all I think Microsoft is doing it's job and quite nicely at this point in time.. they have listened to many of the general public's suggestions and input for Win 7 and have made some changes based on this but of course their not going to do everything that the public asks for.. that in my opinion would just be a poor way to create an OS..

Long story short.. if you don't like Windows 7 that much than don't buy it...

looool omg I laughed so hard when I read the first post of this thread.

are you serious? omfg.

here's the deal:
1) windows 7 is BETA. it's not even supposed to work perfectly
2) you will not get any updates because that was never the plan o.O don't install something without any knowledge. microsoft never said they will update and patch during beta. they will patch all those things (hopefully) until the final release. no more no less. noone said your system would be upgraded during beta at all.
3) you really thought that your mighty bitching made the updates happen?
4) "look at the forum" ... that one really made me laught. did you think a second before writing? sorry, but I can't believe you did. in this FORUM people come that have PROBLEMS. if you have a 100% fully working system - how high is the probability that you end up in a 7 forum? and if you have any problems with your OS? yeah, you go straight to the forum. World of Warcraft (no, I don't play ;-)) forums are full of people that have problems and you probably won't find a single post that says "hey, my WoW runs perfectly. thank you so much blizzard.", but you think 8 million people have those problems?

so calm down, get over your tiny printer-problem and enjoy 7 ^^

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