
New Member
Jan 12, 2009
*I apologize, I posted this in hardware first, unaware of where I was

Hi everyone,

I'm not sure how many of you use Ventrilo to play online games (i.e. CS 1.6) but I've had a few minor issues with the program. For starters I've had this problem in both the 32-bit and 64-bit version of the program. The issue is sporadic but happens every time I run the program. Voice chat will appear to be working just fine, however after a few minutes you'll notice that when you talk there are no immediate responses. After a few minutes more you hear all the previous dialog linked together in one big audio stream, like it lagged and tried to catch-up in fast-forward. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm hoping this, along with the ATI OpenGL issue will be addressed soon. Other than that, I've had a great initial experience with 7 thus far. Love the forum as well!

There actually is a fix. I was able to achieve great communications by choosing SFX settings with your hardware and direct sound and choosing left and right front speaker ( add ). Give it a whirl you will be surprised that it might work.
ventrilo lag issues

Hey, im on windows 7 final release 64bit. Having the same problem described above, is there any solution? (please direct me if their already is). Im currently going to try setting the compatibility to windows vista.

by the way: Link Removed - Invalid URL

Thanks all.
I have the very same issue, when I'm inside World of warcraft or other games suddenly there's no reply on ventrilo for a while, and then when I tab out and force a sound from ventrilo (by reconnecting to the server) I get the the whole past 5 min where everyone has been silent.

I have priority on high and that didn't fix anything and I'm using version 2.1 since that's what the server I am on is using so I can't do anything with direct sound like you can in 3.0

hi there,

add a shortcut to your desktop, right click it, properties, compatibility, activate "run this program as an administrator" AND "run this program in compatibility mode: Win XP Service Pack 3"

now it works fine for me
hi there,

add a shortcut to your desktop, right click it, properties, compatibility, activate "run this program as an administrator" AND "run this program in compatibility mode: Win XP Service Pack 3"

now it works fine for me

If anything trying this made my vent(2.1.4) lag even more under my 64bit.
If anything trying this made my vent(2.1.4) lag even more under my 64bit.

Indeed! I realy need a fix to this! I´m running my CPU on Windows 7 64Bit and my Vent just lags 10.000+ after some time.... have to restart to fix it, ahhh so annoying!

using version 2.1.4 to btw.....

PLZ! Doesn´t anyone know how to fix it :$
Thanks for posting this fix, I had this problem on both 32 and 64 bit versions of Ventrillo and this fix has worked on both for me, thanks again
Same issue with me.

Ventrilo 2.1.4 win7 64bit using a headset with integrated soundcard.

Tried all the fixes mentioned above and nothing works.

It seems that Ventrilo 2.1.4 is doomed.
I recently installed Win7 and I started having this issue. After checking various sites and suggestions (including the screenshot posted here) nothing worked. Lastly, I tried resetting the priority of the program and thank goodness it worked.

Here is what I did:

  • Opened Vent and signed in.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Delete > Open Task Manager
  • Under the programs tab > Right click the program and click on "Go to Process" (this take you to the process tab)
  • Right click on the process, scroll down to Set Priority and set it to 'Realtime'

Unfortunately, I've had to make this change each time I login however I'm sure it can be fixed. Regardless though, this has eliminated the issue and I'm back to normal.

Oh... for reference I'm running:
Win7 64
Vent 3.0.5 WIN32 version
Last edited:

I might have a solution.

Right Click Ventrilo>>Properties>>Compadibility>>Check "Run This Program In Compatibliity Mode For:>>>Windows Vista

Let me know if it works thanks
A simple Regedit edit done from the command line effectively deletes the key that causes the issues,

Press winkey + R ...or paste it into the field when you click Start .... then enter... .and reboot .

reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\DisabledSessions /va /f
I've read where this regedit has been used to address install crashes and such however I haven't heard it used for the Ventrilo lag issues. Is this reply in response to not being able to install a vesion of Ventrilo or the actually lag issues which have occured?
Could you tell the registry again? I don't seem to have a /va/f folders under DisabledSessions, only a 1 registry type REG_SZ, is that the one I have to delete?
Could you tell the registry again? I don't seem to have a /va/f folders under DisabledSessions, only a 1 registry type REG_SZ, is that the one I have to delete?

Those are regedit command line parameters.

All you need to do is copy the entire command to your start menu and run it. The screen will flash.

Rebot and enjoy.

You can also make it into a regfile and merge the regfile... just insert the minus to delet it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQMClient\Windows\Disabled Sessions]

Go to my blogs and you'll find the info about creating regfiles... and some handy samples to tweak features that are difficult to tweak by other methods.