Windows 7 Video compatibility for Intel 852GM/852GME/855GM/855GME


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Jul 22, 2005
This is for laptop owners such as me who have the Dell 700M laptop or any computer using the integrated Intel mobile 852/855 graphics adapter from Intel.

The drivers released by Intel for Windows XP are incompatible with Windows 7. While there is compatibility for this device in Windows Vista, attempting to install these drivers in Windows 7 Beta 1 or alpha builds will result in a black screen on reboot. This can be solved by hard powering the system down and rebooting it, you will then be using the compatibility driver from Microsoft once again.

For compatibility Windows 7 uses the Standard VGA Adapter with a max screen resolution of 1200x1024. If the BIOS setting is correct, the system will stretch the screen automatically to compensate for this but you still will not have the ability to use higher wide screen resolutions.

It is unlikely Dell or Intel will release a fix for this problem, since the 700M Laptop is old by today's standards. The driver was probably using the Windows XP Display Driver Model (XPDM) and not WDDM (Vista) anyway.


From Installing video driver for Intel 855 Centrino Chipset - Windows 7 Forums :

1) downloading latest drivers (v14.19.50) for XP from Intel's site and extracting them to a separate folder
2) booting W7 in the safe mode
3) Device Manager -> Video Adapter (VGA compatible) -> Properties
4) Driver -> Update driver -> Browse -> Let me pick -> Display adapters -> Have disk -> give path to \"win2000\" folder of the extracted driver
5) After you get error about driver installation, in Device Manager click on \"Scan for new hardware\"
6) Boot your W7 in \"Disable driver signing enforcement\" mode

If you follow those instructions carefully it'll work (worked for me).

I got it working (sort of), but not really… Interesting that this didn't work initially.

I tried it several different times, always having "Video Controller" and "Video Controller (VGA Compatible)" sitting in Device Manager unable to initialize.

Instead of trying it again in Safe Mode after about the third time, I did the installation after booting under "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" mode. Again, this looked like it failed, screen goes black, and I hear the noise that a device is being unplugged and plugged back in four or five times while staring at a black screen.

I remote desktop into the laptop to initiate a restart, but then I disconnect because I see the screen has come back in the right resolution. I am able to use Windows 7 using the right graphics driver, according to device manager. Screen looks good.

I restart again, hit F8, Disable Driver Signature Enforcement… guess what..

Still using Standard VGA Adapter again. Windows 7 is trying to install Video Controller and Video Controller (VGA Compatible) again… both failed. No driver found.

Windows 7 does not like these drivers, but you can get it working on a temporary basis by RDC’ing into the computer during the installation in Driver Signature Enforcement mode. You can just never reboot the machine again using these drivers!

Interestingly, when the device is working properly it shows this message:

Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller
Device Status
"This device is working properly.

The drivers for this device will be uninstalled when the machine is restarted. Any changes you make to this device will not be preserved.

You need to restart your computer before the changes you made to this device will take effect."

My install is working ok, but it was hard to make it work.

Try changing the driver in the Display Drivers section (not on the unknown devices) and also try setting this (you need an elevated prompt for this start > cmd (CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER)):

bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS


I have the exact same issue with a 700m here with beta 1. I find that after the latest XP drivers installs, it shows up correctly in device manager, but on reboot it will boot fine in 800x600 and I can log in, but then it says "installing drivers", and the screen turns black. I can usually get my screen back by waiting a few seconds, then holding the fn + LCD/CRT key. If that doesn't work pressing ctl alt del and then fn + crt/lcd works. I find that video performance is alright, but 1280x800 resolution is impossible with the standard vga driver. I'd be happy with just getting the 1280x800 resolution, it performs fine without the proper drivers.

I'm running build 7000 on a Fujitsu Stylistic ST5020D slate... It uses the 855 graphics chip. 7 runs great, the only problem I'm having is with the graphics. I have tried the method above with no success. I'm ok with the basic VGA driver's resolution but I am unable to get my tablet to go into portrait mode. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

On a side note, I'm also unable to get the computer to enter sleep mode, I think this is due to the video driver not supporting it.

for people with intel video chipsets, any ones, that dont display properly

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I have the Intel 945 series. It worked like a champ. But I downloaded a beta of Norton 360 and I am getting the BSOD!

What a Thinkpad X40 runs so smooth in Windows 7 beta, even when it is using Standard VGA driver. Very likely Intel and Lenovo (Thinkpad's manufacturer) will not work on those outdated models.... :(

the driver does install sometimes, but after restart, it always uninstall itself. I even got to the point of having intel extreme software(the blue icon) and accessing its option. But after restart, everything falls back to before.
maybe not all hope is lost

1) downloading latest drivers (v14.19.50) for XP from Intel's site and extracting them to a separate folder
2) booting W7 in the safe mode
3) Device Manager -> Video Adapter (VGA compatible) -> Properties
4) Driver -> Update driver -> Browse -> Let me pick -> Display adapters -> Have disk -> give path to "win2000" folder of the extracted driver
5) After you get error about driver installation, in Device Manager click on "Scan for new hardware"
6) Boot your W7 in "Disable driver signing enforcement" mode
The above got me going eventually. I had go through the above procedure twice, and eventually got the drivers to stick. I can power off and re-boot and the 855GM driver loads every time with no intervention from me.

For reference this is on a Dell D400 Latitude.

The above got me going eventually. I had go through the above procedure twice, and eventually got the drivers to stick. I can power off and re-boot and the 855GM driver loads every time with no intervention from me.

For reference this is on a Dell D400 Latitude.

few concern of mine: (im using a lenovo r50e btw)
1. did u get aero, all the screensaver to work afterward the driver installed(no more warning error when opening WMC)?
2. did u get an increase in graphic score rated by windows 7?
3. when im installing the graphic driver, "Video Adapter (VGA compatible)" item always install successfully automatically and another item in device manager called "video controller" fails to do the same.
now when i try to force the XP driver into it, which device should i work on?
"video adapter( vga comp)"<-already installed by itself or "video controller"<-has a exclamation mark on it indicating no driver found.


Ok, answers to questions....

1 - no aero (didn't expect that to work to be honest), all the screensavers work except the "Windows Energy" one.
2 - no change to the performance score.
3 - I'd concentrate on the one under Display Devices. That's how I got mine working. I've had a few blue screens but apart from that it's been ok. Not sure whether it's the graphics that's causing the blue screens or the evaluation version of Kaspersky Antivirus

Hope this helps. :D


In device manager I have "Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller" listed under Display adapters, and "Video Controller" (with yellow warning triangle) listed under Other devices. I'm guessing the "Video Controller" one is for the external VGA out.

I've also uninstalled Kaspersky and the laptop (Dell D400) has now stopped blue-screening. I'm trying Avira (free version) at the moment, with no blue screens at all last night.

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That's really encouraging. Thanks for the sharing, ArhturDent!!!!! :o

I'll try tonight and post my result.

aite mines working too after following the instruction.
now all the screensaver works except windows energy and all the "microsoft games" seem to work fine (im testing them as a benchmark)

On a cautionary note, if you do get this to work and have "Video Controller" (with yellow triangle) listed under Other Devices in Device Manager DO NOT TRY TO UPDATE THE DRIVER!!!

I tried this and it messed up the display driver, putting me back at square one. I then wasted most of this evening trying to sort it out. Nothing worked, and I then had to resort to System Restore to get back to the point where the driver was working.

Consider yourselves warned! ;)

On a cautionary note, if you do get this to work and have "Video Controller" (with yellow triangle) listed under Other Devices in Device Manager DO NOT TRY TO UPDATE THE DRIVER!!!

I tried this and it messed up the display driver, putting me back at square one. I then wasted most of this evening trying to sort it out. Nothing worked, and I then had to resort to System Restore to get back to the point where the driver was working.

Consider yourselves warned! ;)

lol ya thats the same reason i was so confused before cuz i kept working on the "video controller" device.

PS: so its impossible 855/852 card can use the aero interface? will intel come up with new driver? I heard aero was possible before in vista. i don't see a difference in 7
