My second go:
Try: and you vill get one of the best antivirus softwares you can find.. And you may install and manage 3 PC/Macs for free.. The premium (more security features) is even better, and incudes protection for up to 10 PCs/macs..
Sophos ranks #1 for endpoint protection by SE Labs
Sophos Home Premium is here
But if you worry about viruses and other attacks, you really should install and use your windows 10 computer in the way it is supposed to, just like a Linux or mac already is.. please check out:
Link Removed for more information...
By always using the Admin-account you hinder important security-features from working as intended. In fact: Most computer-viruses REQUIRE you to be logged in as admin to successfully infect your computer, So NOT logging on as Admin actually protects you better, than your virusprotection does. This is why Mac and Linux are ALWAYS used with a limited account which, if necessary, can be temporarily promoted to "Admin". And this is also the reason why you should always have a separate admin account and use a normal user account yourself. (Even when you are the only one who uses the computer)."
EDIT: Those of you who rekommend crap like Defender and webroot should look at the 1:st picture in this link:
Sophos ranks #1 for endpoint protection by SE Labs The RED parts shows how much the tested securitysolutions actually miss..
That says: The more red a "security"software has= the more compromised your computer will be,
And compromised means: where malware managed to
fully infect and damage your computer..
As you all will see: The worst protection is given by
malwarebytes, closedly followed by:
You should NOT EVER use any of these even if you got payed to...
Microsofts crap (Defender) also has a large red part.. that tells you that you WILL get infected if you keep using it..
NOTE! There is only one protection that has a entirely green line..
Please also check the:
exploit protection link in the same article.. there wou will see that microsoft EVEN WITH EXPLOIT PROTECTION FAILS TO PROTECT AGAINST EXPLOITS IN 16 CASES OUT OF 35.. (without Exploit protection activated it fails in 23 cases out of 35) The tested one Is actually the same antivirus as Defender, but with functions for central management in corporate networks.
Microsoft Defender is just as underdeveloped as microsofts first Windows firewall was when released.. you know the only firewall in the world that only checked incomming traffic (totally ignoring outgoing traffic)..
When defender catches up with the real antiviruses, the real ones have already moved on to new technologies and new ways to detect and undo malware..