What Is The Cheapest, Lightweight, Antivirus Software


Senior Member
Dec 9, 2017
Hello all,

I lately been trying to find a simple, lightweight antivirus program for my PC and my Android phone. Many antivirus programs have all of these features now like VPN, child/parent watching, encrypt files/vault storage, password managers and so on. All I want is a antivirus that protects you on the web, scans your storage for viruses and maybe even a firewall which would be nice.

But I also want it to be lightweight so not hard on my PC since I have a gaming PC and I used some antivirus programs such as Norton and Avast and they end up slowing down my PC. I heard there is a new way to solve this which cloud computing antivirus which runs in the cloud so your device doesn't use much of its resources which I would like to get.

I don't care if its free or requires a subscription but along it has privacy in mind and does not harvest data from yourself. I understand if it may discover a new virus and wants to grab it from the user to review it but many online services like Google I stay away from since they live off your data.

Any suggestions and tips will be most helpful!

I've been a user of Webroot for at least 10 years and have been happy to watch their product evolve over the years. It is by far the smallest footprint and lightest on resources on your system. Roughly 8MB of drive space and about 25MB in memory. Webroot works very differently from any other product. It does block the tradition types of malware such as keyloggers and known threats. The other feature of it is that it will mark suspicious processes and journal everything they do. After the process is analysed if it is deemed bad Webroot will roll back everything the process did and remove it even ransomware and any files that get encrypted.

A single license is around $29 or you can do the higher level protection for $44 which is 3...
I thought about giving Cylance a try but after doing more research it was new to the home AV area, experience with enterprised, so I wasn't so sure. And the user interface for the home version needed a lot of work for a home version. It was a tiny box by the system tray icons. And it didn't have many options other than scan or turn off.

Hm maybe now or the enterprise version. But when I looked into it, it's the first year going retail, it was only that little UI box by the system tray. Maybe it's the web version now? But even then I don't think that would be good for an AV market that people are used to right-clicking that AV icon in the system tray to open it up and control it from there? I remember BitDefender had a web console for managing your subscription, see what devices you have it installed, and some other things but it was pretty bare and basic.

Cylance has always been web console based. I haven't used the home version though.

I've used Malwarebytes Pro for years and never had any real malware of viruses. The worst I've ever seen is some PUPs.
My main reason for using Malwarebytes is that it has no noticeable effect on the performance of my computer.

I've never had any issues with it and nothing gets through. I have a license for 5 computers and have it on everything I own except for my phone.

There is a free small program that detects PUPs. I use it on all my computers and works great.

Sent from my LGMP450 using Tapatalk

There is a free small program that detects PUPs. I use it on all my computers and works great.

Sent from my LGMP450 using Tapatalk
This isn't an anti-malware piece of software. Unchecky - Keeps your checkboxes clear It's supposed to "uncheck" boxes that offer to install bundled software when you install other software. So I'm sure this is actually scraping what you're installing and selling it somehow and scraping your machines as well. I wouldn't install this.

Kaspersky and Malwarebytes Pro which I mainly use during my online working. Online safety and privacy are very important for web developers. I want to run some internet project and want to outsource web developers for it. About this process I read on https://spdload.com/blog/how-to-outsource-web-development/
I used to have Kaspersky Anti-virus software and stopped using it after US government warning. Kaspersky has ties to Russia Putin.

Sent from my LGMP450 using Tapatalk

HI wondering about the depth of what you are saying through authentication I also have Win Defenner update setting / And Bitdefeder Anti Wirus Am I 1 Or 2 Shelter and who is wondering which cock is on the job? or am I wrong ?
Regards Rapaaja

I used to have Kaspersky Anti-virus software and stopped using it after US government warning. Kaspersky has ties to Russia Putin.

Sent from my LGMP450 using Tapatalk

That hurt Kaspersky pretty bad, unfortunately. And in the end, the US government never provided evidence on what Kasperkey was doing. I used it years however I didn't stop because of the charges, which to be honest freaked me out when they came out too. I stopped because it had a heavy footprint on my system. And there's TONs of stuff installed along with it that I didn't need and was paying for, yearly. And that's when I just shored up my browser and used Windows Defender instead.

HI wondering about the depth of what you are saying through authentication I also have Win Defenner update setting / And Bitdefeder Anti Wirus Am I 1 Or 2 Shelter and who is wondering which cock is on the job? or am I wrong ?
Regards Rapaaja

I am a web-developer, so I have to work with multiple types of platforms. For 15 years of experience, I have decided and choose what resources can I use in my day-to-day work. I'd say for Windows I like the service of Kaspersky ( can't say how 'cheap' it is), and for Mac, for everyday basis, I like to check my system through safefinder ( https://macsecurity.net/view/124-remove-safe-finder-virus-from-mac-in-safari-chrome-and-firefox ), and only after that, to quit it.

HI Handsome cake so guts? So I would say it personal when you connect the devices 3 a so-called party. protection to which to give the right level to modify the hardware or to protect? or to protect their own actions. Anyway, the look of the idea of Wirus protection should the user have? Some kind of protection for your device, that's a puzzle / diligence about your own online behavior!
There are many providers so I suggest using it that meets your own requirements not the usage patterns of others.
And you understand them

Ragards Rapaaja

I like and use Kaspersky Anti-Virus myself at $29 a year for 3 P.C. 's it's not bad and I have found it to be very effective.
Others are Bitdefender and Avast that I recommend.

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I used to have Kaspersky Anti-Virus software. Not using it because of ties to the Russian government.
I use Malwarebytes and free zonealarm firewall.

Sent from my LGMP450 using Tapatalk

I renewed some of our subscriptions for $11.99 per year. I don't know if It was a sale or what but it was cool.
