
New Member
Feb 10, 2009
I'm running build 7077 (which I understand is as close to RC 1 as anything) having progressively upgraded from 7000 via 7057.
RC 1 installation is going to require the agony of a clean install and reinstallation of all the apps -including getting fresh downloads of the software where they were on line purchases, etc. Doubtless there is likely to be the need to do the same again when the retail version becomes available.
Given the fact that my 7077 build is working very nicely thank you, I'm struggling to see why I should bother with RC 1 at all. Just wait for the final retail version, whenever that comes along.
What does anyone else think?

I clean install every time, so it doesn't matter to me.

I clean install every time, so it doesn't matter to me.
Good for you!
With the number of key applications I've got on my system, reinstalling everything takes the best part of a day!!:frown: Although that being said, I have to admit it's useful to clear out the 'grot' that tends to accumulate in terms of odd programs that you don't really use much.

For the purposes of testing, I installed all of my programs on the early releases. As I reinstall frequently (clean, like Big Feet) I saw no purpose in continuing to do that. I keep a legacy OS running for my daily use (Vista) and only install the new releases, without my software. When the RC and RTM comes out, I will only then reinstall the whole works

For the purposes of testing, I installed all of my programs on the early releases. As I reinstall frequently (clean, like Big Feet) I saw no purpose in continuing to do that. I keep a legacy OS running for my daily use (Vista) and only install the new releases, without my software. When the RC and RTM comes out, I will only then reinstall the whole works
Well, I must acknowledge this is the 'sensible' way to do it. :redface:
I haven't quite mastered the art of setting up a dual boot set up (I guess this is what you are doing). So I am using the version of Windows 7 as my main OS. :redface:
I KNOW this is very much frowned on, and I very much took a calculated punt when I first installed the Beta 7000 this way.
But it has proven to be a satisfactory move for me.
I wonder if there is a simple guide to setting up a dual boot, multi-partition, system? This is what I SHOULD be doing, I guess :rolleyes:

Apart from updated drivers etc etc you'll get two or three extra months of FREE testing -- which on a lot of machines can save you serious money.

Not that 7077 is bad -- I really can't see many people NOT trying RC1. Of course there *Might* be limitations that we haven't had with builds so far in that there doesn't seem to be any limit to the number of machines you can install on and the number of activations allowed.

We'll just have to wait and see of course.


"I haven't quite mastered the art of setting up a dual boot set up (I guess this is what you are doing"
It's as easy as making a sandwich. But here is a very straightforward guide if you want to try!

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To Install Or To Not Install, That Is The Question. And yes I will be doing a clean install when it is released.

To Install Or To Not Install, That Is The Question. And yes I will be doing a clean install when it is released.

Clean install for me too . Admit its a bit repetitive having to reinstall software on each build - takes time but a small price too pay for the latest build .

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Clean install for me too . Admit its a bit repetitive having to reinstall software on each build - takes time but a small price too pay for the latest build .

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I'd have to agree with the clean install. Whats the big deal, you watch a baseball game while you do it. If your team is winning while your installing, then the OS will work flawless. However, if your team is getting crushed, then you're going to have plenty of issues!:D

[/My Ms. Cleo Moment]

I'm looking forward to the RC because I'm having some problems with the beta IE8 locking up once in a while. So I'm thinking the IE8 RC version will be much better. Plus there may be some more goodies in the RC that we don't know about yet, and hopefully it'll stay useable until the official version becomes available for sale, which who knows how long that'll be...I've heard everything from July '09 to Jan 2010.

At this time, I'm planning on getting Windows 7 as soon as it becomes available in the stores. So hopefully the RC will get me thru until then.


To the OP:

Why would you not bother with the RC? Why would you rather use a daily/interim build instead of the RC or RTM for that matter? It may be annoying to have to clean install (I don't find it annoying. ;) ) but still.. what would be the sense of using "just another build" rather than the RC? ;) I think if you have to ask that question then maybe you shouldn't be BETA testing Windows 7.. :)

No offence intended.. just an observation.. ;)

To the OP:

Why would you not bother with the RC? Why would you rather use a daily/interim build instead of the RC or RTM for that matter? It may be annoying to have to clean install (I don't find it annoying. ;) ) but still.. what would be the sense of using "just another build" rather than the RC? ;) I think if you have to ask that question then maybe you shouldn't be BETA testing Windows 7.. :)

No offence intended.. just an observation.. ;)

Yes I am waiting for the RC .... oh boy am I waiting cannot wait to see what goodies are in it !

The expiration date is about a year later.:)

Yes I read that the RC's expiration date is June 2010. I also read that Microsoft's official target release date is January 2010. So the RC will get you thru over a year, if this information is correct. There's been so many false rumours though, take it with a grain of salt.




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I am very happy with build 7077. A clean install would not be too bad when I just have Firefox and Thunderbird as the main programs. I thought 7077 was going to be the RC which is why I installed it. I had a bit of a nightmare and a few days to sort out wireless, graphics and sound working properly. I don't like the hassle again with the RC.

My 7077 build has a 2 March 2010 expire date.

I am very happy with build 7077. A clean install would not be too bad when I just have Firefox and Thunderbird as the main programs. I thought 7077 was going to be the RC which is why I installed it. I had a bit of a nightmare and a few days to sort out wireless, graphics and sound working properly. I don't like the hassle again with the RC.

My 7077 build has a 2 March 2010 expire date.

Well I do sympathies with you but too my way of thinking I cannot wait for the RC :)
There maybe or maybe not major changes or minor changes so yes I wait with anticipation :)
