Windows 10 Wifi username and password disappears before I can type it in


New Member
Aug 20, 2016

I'm trying to connect to the wifi at my university. I need to enter a username and password into the bars (in windows 10) and then click "ok".

The problem is that every time I enter my username I get about halfway through my password and suddenly the username and password disappear, and I am left typing the latter half of my password. Sometimes the Username disappears before I can even begin entering the password.

I have no idea whats going on, but it's preventing me from connecting and is extremely annoying!

Are you are connecting to the correct SSID? It sounds like you're trying to connect to a wireless network that is using some form of EAP possibly with 802.1x auth on it if it's asking you for a username and password, unless you mean it opens a web browser automatically and asks for a username and password. In which case you should contact your schools IT.
Are you are connecting to the correct SSID? It sounds like you're trying to connect to a wireless network that is using some form of EAP possibly with 802.1x auth on it if it's asking you for a username and password, unless you mean it opens a web browser automatically and asks for a username and password. In which case you should contact your schools IT.

Yes, I click on the wifi signal symbol at the bottom of my screen, select the wifi network, and it asks for me to input a username and password. I enter my username, but never get through my password without the username and what I've typed of the password just deleting itself.

It's like it refreshes every 3 seconds and erases everything I've entered.

And it's only for this wifi network. Although this is the only network I've used which requires a username and password instead of just a password.
