No, as it's an upgrade, it will use the previous version of windows product key.I don't know if I will need a product key,
No, as it's an upgrade version, it uses the key of previous version of installed windows. In order to do the clean install route you will need a 10 product key which means you will have to buy the OS.I hope to choose 'custom' for a clean install and not upgrade,
Best guess is yes but just a guess as there is no talk about this at this time. We'll just have to wait and see.I will likely lose the WMC I bought,
If doing the upgrade, activation will be automatic. For a clean install the procedure should be the same as any other windows OS install. It should...I am unsure about activation,
No, as it's an upgrade, it will use the previous version of windows product key.I don't know if I will need a product key,
No, as it's an upgrade version, it uses the key of previous version of installed windows. In order to do the clean install route you will need a 10 product key which means you will have to buy the OS.I hope to choose 'custom' for a clean install and not upgrade,
Best guess is yes but just a guess as there is no talk about this at this time. We'll just have to wait and see.I will likely lose the WMC I bought,
If doing the upgrade, activation will be automatic. For a clean install the procedure should be the same as any other windows OS install. It should give you the choice to activate during the install if connected to internet or activate after the install, which with 8/8.1 is 3 days. Not sure how they (MS) plans to handle that when it releases 10, but I imagine it should follow suit with 8/8.1I am unsure about activation,
Like I said, you can't clean install with and upgrade version, you will need the full version, either an OEM copy or a Retail copy to do a clean install.hoping for an option to clean install
An image of a clean install of 8.1, then go the upgrade route to 10 would definitely mitigate the clutter.what I meant was I'm may use a clean image of 8.1 then update Windows.
You can buy an OEM software....OEM just means it's permanently tied to the mobo when that OS is installed and a whole lot cheaper. The retail version of the OS allows you to install the OS on any mobo as long as it's removed from the previous mobo. It can't be used at the same time...which is why is more expensive to purchase.By the way if you use an oem copy where would you get the product key?
That's the same with any OS....unless you all ready have purchased the retail version and have a valid product key. Then you can re-clean install as you like.It seems to do a clean install you must buy windows 10?
can i upgrade from 7 to 10 please
I did an upgrade from Win7-Pro 64-bit to Win10 a few days ago and the process worked flawlessly. I chose to just install the OS and leave all programs intact. Every program runs perfectly. I am actually amazed. The Win10 OS seems to be very stable and I like the interface. The 4-yr old Dell laptop I upgraded has been running full-time since the upgrade and no glitches have been observed. So far I do not see any problems. I think Microsoft has come up with a good combination of keeping some tiles (which I will probably never use) and making the rest of the interface work well with a lot of improvements.