Windows 7 Win 7 build 7048 does not exist...

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Not surprising, as I could not confirm of its existence, as I could of all the other legit releases.

Yeah, not really surprising, but I was hoping. Either way...can't wait to see another x64 build out there somewhere. :)

Actually, in your original post you state that 7041 is the latest, it's actually 7046, according to MS. Apparently build string is 6.1.7046.winmain.090217_XXXX (No word on time as of now).

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Windows 7 Build 7048 does exist, though only the 64 bit edition has been leaked so far (though i have heard rumors that the 32 bit edition was released today (March 4th/09) ;

Yeah, old news.
I've got it installed and configured already.

As for 32-Bit, I've seen it, so it's out there.

So, according to Ars Technica, the latest build is 7041 and work on the RC build hasn't even begun yet. :frown:

Rumor smash: Windows 7 build 7048 does not yet exist (Updated) - Ars Technica

Maybe a good idea to have a look at the date of that article?
I have not yet seen any official offerings of a 7048 - RC1. In fact, I think by the time of it's release, the build number will be higher - probably not yet determined. But BUILD 7048 most certainly exists.

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Maybe a good idea to have a look at the date of that article?
I have not yet seen any official offerings of a 7048 - RC1. In fact, I think by the time of it's release, the build number will be higher - probably not yet determined. But BUILD 7048 most certainly exists.

It does exist.. but it's not the RC... ;)

Maybe a good idea to have a look at the date of that article?
I have not yet seen any official offerings of a 7048 - RC1. In fact, I think by the time of it's release, the build number will be higher - probably not yet determined. But BUILD 7048 most certainly exists.

Well, to be fair, I made that post a week ago, before 7022x64, 7032 or 7048 leaked. :razz:

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where did the rest of this thread go. pff

There's another thread like this, and it exists, so get over it.
I'm closing this thread now.
PM me if you have a problem with that.

I really don't see any reason not to close this thread Kyle.. it's become a pointless thread.. I say close it.. :)

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