Windows 7 WIN 7 system Image


New Member
Nov 10, 2009
I have 6 new laptops all the same unit
If I remove all "bloatware " and then generate a system image from within Win7 can that image be used to retore to the rest of these units (essentially clone from the first image)

thanks [email address removed]

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If, everything is identical & or wanted to be.


Thanks for the reply but I dont know how to interpet "& or wanted to be"

I submitted this question to TECHNET ...and of course they will not yes/no........ give me links to a couple reference docuemtns that go down the " how to use sysprep " path ...... leading me ti bleive the WIN7 generatd system image could not be restored on another identical laptop

I seem to remember that in order to ghost windows you have to do security id routine for each install so they all don't try to register same security ID.

Correct had to run GHOSTWALKER utility to get ne SID assigned .......... so thats why the technet folks wanted to point me to reading up on sysprep.....I would have to use that utilityto generate a new SID........ its all coming back to me now

I have moved this thread to Windows 7 Installation & Upgrade. In the future, refrain from posting for support in our tutorials section.

One Issue I see may be the product key with MS. They will all have different keys. I don't know of it's a simple matter of entering the the correct code or contacting MS by phone would be necessary.
