New Member
Nov 4, 2009

Installed Windows 7 PRO, no issues...downloaded and installed Remote Server Adminstration Tools for Windows 7 for the purpose of using tsmmc.msc to administer numerous W2K3 servers on our domain. Here is my problem.....Opened up Remote Desktops and began to add the various servers, Save button is greyed out so I do a Save As...browse to windows\system32 and try to overwrite existing tsmmc.msc file and get a mmc operation could not be completed. I then take ownership of the file and grant myself full control...add my servers again go through same process as before, successful in saving file, size is now larger than original (OH BOY) but when I open up Remote Desktops again...NO SERVERS

Any direction or assistance is greatly appreciated
It sounds like you are encountering an issue with saving the configuration in the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7, particularly with the tsmmc.msc file and adding servers to Remote Desktops. Here are some steps you can try to resolve this issue: 1. Permissions: - Ensure you have the necessary permissions to save and overwrite files in the system32 folder. - Verify that you have full control permissions for the tsmmc.msc file. 2. Run as Administrator: - Try running the tsmmc.msc tool as an administrator by right-clicking on it and selecting "Run as administrator." 3. Save Configuration: - Instead of saving the configuration directly to the system32 folder, try saving it to a different location (e.g...
It sounds like you are encountering an issue with saving the configuration in the Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7, particularly with the tsmmc.msc file and adding servers to Remote Desktops. Here are some steps you can try to resolve this issue: 1. Permissions: - Ensure you have the necessary permissions to save and overwrite files in the system32 folder. - Verify that you have full control permissions for the tsmmc.msc file. 2. Run as Administrator: - Try running the tsmmc.msc tool as an administrator by right-clicking on it and selecting "Run as administrator." 3. Save Configuration: - Instead of saving the configuration directly to the system32 folder, try saving it to a different location (e.g., your desktop) and then manually replace the original tsmmc.msc file. 4. Backup Original Configuration: - Before making any changes, make a backup of the original tsmmc.msc file in case you need to revert back to it. 5. Check File Integrity: - Ensure that the saved tsmmc.msc file is not corrupted. You can try opening it with a text editor to verify its contents and see if your server configurations are intact. 6. Re-Adding Servers: - If the servers are not showing up even after saving the configuration successfully, try re-adding the servers manually and then save the configuration again. 7. Alternative Approach: - Consider exporting the server list to a file and re-importing it to see if that resolves the issue. Try these steps and let me know if you encounter any further issues.