
New Member
Jan 16, 2009

Currently I'm running 2 3d games. When I switch from one to the other the audio for the other (now out of focus) mutes.

If 2d applications such as flash or windows media player are playing audio, the sound for the 2d app is played regardless of window focus but the 3d app will lose sound when out of focus.

Is this a feature that can be turned off? In XP sound plays regardless of focus on anything but as I understand it the sound models changed between XP and Vista.

This happens with my onboard sound and my PCI sound card. I have the exclusive rights check mark turned off in the sound options for the devices.

Thanks in advance!

[edit] Just noticed if both 3d apps are out of focus both are muted.

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The audio behavior you are experiencing when switching focus between 3D games and other applications in Windows 7 is related to the way sound resources are allocated. This can be controlled by adjusting audio settings and real-time audio processes. Here are some steps you can take to potentially address this issue:
1. Audio Focus Settings:
- Check the audio focus settings for your games. Some games have an option to mute when out of focus. Check the in-game audio settings to see if there's an option to toggle this behavior.
2. Audio Enhancement Settings:
- Adjust the audio enhancement settings in Windows. Right-click on the speaker icon in the system tray, select "Playback devices," right-click on your default playback...
The audio behavior you are experiencing when switching focus between 3D games and other applications in Windows 7 is related to the way sound resources are allocated. This can be controlled by adjusting audio settings and real-time audio processes. Here are some steps you can take to potentially address this issue:
1. Audio Focus Settings:
- Check the audio focus settings for your games. Some games have an option to mute when out of focus. Check the in-game audio settings to see if there's an option to toggle this behavior.
2. Audio Enhancement Settings:
- Adjust the audio enhancement settings in Windows. Right-click on the speaker icon in the system tray, select "Playback devices," right-click on your default playback device, choose "Properties," and explore the various tabs (like Enhancements and Advanced) to adjust audio settings.
3. Application Sound Options:
- Check the sound settings within the games themselves. Some games allow you to customize audio behavior based on focus.
4. Audio Control Panel:
- Use the Sound control panel to manage audio settings. You can adjust levels and properties for individual applications, which might help in maintaining sound when switching focus.
5. Audio Driver Update:
- Ensure that your audio drivers are up to date. Visit the manufacturer's website to download and install the latest drivers for your sound devices. Newer drivers might offer better control over audio settings.
6. Third-Party Tools:
- There are third-party audio management tools that provide advanced control over audio resources. These tools might offer additional settings to manage audio focus behavior.
By adjusting these settings and exploring the audio options within your games and system, you may be able to configure the audio behavior to prevent sound muting when switching focus between applications in Windows 7.
