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Here's a neat script I put together today. If added as a scheduled task it will loop and monitor running processes. The only thing needed is to sign up for an account on virustotal.com to get an API key then replace the F's with your api key
Function Get-ProcessReport([string]$FilePath, [string]$Hash)
Get-VirusTotalReport -Hash $hash -Apikey FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
The script scans through all running processes, detects and ignores any trusted signed binaries. It then generates a hash of any unsigned process and pulls a report from virustotal.com and if there are more than 4 indicators it saves the hash in a blacklist file. Any process that passes virustotal has it's hash saved in the whitelist file.
When a process is blacklisted or fails the virus total check the script will kill the process.
Function Get-ProcessReport([string]$FilePath, [string]$Hash)
Get-VirusTotalReport -Hash $hash -Apikey FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
The script scans through all running processes, detects and ignores any trusted signed binaries. It then generates a hash of any unsigned process and pulls a report from virustotal.com and if there are more than 4 indicators it saves the hash in a blacklist file. Any process that passes virustotal has it's hash saved in the whitelist file.
When a process is blacklisted or fails the virus total check the script will kill the process.
# Process_Bouncer.ps1
Function New-Configuration
If (-Not (Test-Path $main_conf_dir))
New-Item -Path $main_conf_dir -ItemType Directory
If (-Not (Test-Path $log_file))
New-Item -Path $log_file -ItemType File
If (-Not (Test-Path $white_file))
New-Item -Path $white_file -ItemType File
If (-Not (Test-Path $black_file))
New-Item -Path $black_file -ItemType File
Function Create-NotificationBallon([string]$Message, [string]$Title)
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
$objNotifyIcon = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon
$objNotifyIcon.Icon = "C:\Windows\ProgressError.ico"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = "Error"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipText = "$Message"
$objNotifyIcon.BalloonTipTitle = "$Title"
$objNotifyIcon.Visible = $True
Function Search-BWList([string]$Hash, [string]$SearchList)
$list = Get-Content $SearchList
ForEach ($entry In $list)
If ( $Hash -eq $entry) { return $true }
return $false
Function Get-UnsignedProcesses()
# Get current list of unique running processes based on execution path
$procs = gwmi -Query 'select ExecutablePath,ProcessID from win32_process'
$unsigned = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
ForEach($proc In $procs)
$proc_exe_path = $proc.ExecutablePath
If ($proc_exe_path -eq $null) { continue }
If ($proc_exe_path -eq "") { continue }
# Create a list of unsigned binaries for scanning
$auth_code = Get-AuthenticodeSignature $proc_exe_path
If ($auth_code.Status -ne "Valid")
$hash = (Get-FileHash -Path $proc_exe_path -Algorithm SHA1).Hash
If ( -Not (Search-BWList -SearchList $white_file -Hash $hash))
New-LogAction -Message "A new unsigned process was detected: $proc_exe_path"
$proc_obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$proc_obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExecutablePath -Value $proc.ExecutablePath
$proc_obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ProcessID -Value $proc.ProcessID
$proc_obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Hash -Value $hash
$unsigned.Add($proc_obj) > null
return $unsigned
Function Get-ProcessReport([string]$FilePath, [string]$Hash)
Get-VirusTotalReport -Hash $hash -Apikey FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Function New-LogAction([string]$Message)
# Add in code to check log size and rotate log files (keep 5 log files)
$main_log_size = $(Get-ChildItem -Path $log_file | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum
If (($main_log_size / 1MB) -gt 1)
$log_count = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $main_conf_dir -Filter "*action*").Count
If ($log_count -ge 4)
Remove-Item -Path "$log_file.$($log_count)"
While($log_count -ge 0)
If ($log_count -eq 0)
Rename-Item -Path "$log_file" -NewName "$log_file.$($log_count+1)"
Rename-Item -Path "$log_file.$log_count" -NewName "$log_file.$($log_count+1)"
New-Item -Path $log_file -ItemType File
# Add an action event to the log
Add-Content -Path $log_file -Value "$((Get-Date).ToString()) ----- $Message"
Function Get-VirusTotalReport
param([string]$Hash, [string]$ApiKey)
$body = @{ resource = $hash; apikey = $ApiKey }
$Report = Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'POST' -Uri 'https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/file/report' -Body $body
return $Report
Function Main
$suspect_procs = Get-UnsignedProcesses
ForEach ($proc In $suspect_procs)
$proc_exe_path = $proc.ExecutablePath
If ($proc_exe_path -eq $null) { continue }
If ($proc_exe_path -eq "") { continue }
$hash = $proc.Hash
If ($(Search-BWList -SearchList $black_file -Hash $hash) -eq $true)
"Black Listed $proc_exe_path"
New-LogAction -Message "[BLACKLIST DETECTION] $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash was found in the blacklist."
#"Kill the process"
"Stopping $proc_exe_path"
Stop-Process -Id $proc.ProcessId 2> $kill_error
If ($?)
Create-NotificationBallon -Message "Blacklisted process detected and killed. Process: $proc_exe_path" -Title "Process Killed"
New-LogAction -Message "[PROCESS KILL](Success) $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash"
} else
New-LogAction -Message "[PROCESS KILL](Failed) $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash ERROR: $kill_error"
} ElseIf ( $(Search-BWList -SearchList $white_file -Hash $hash) -eq $true )
"White Listed $proc_exe_path"
New-LogAction -Message "[WHITELIST DETECTION] $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash was found in the whitelist."
$report = Get-ProcessReport -FilePath $proc_exe_path -Hash $hash
If ($report.positives -eq $null)
New-LogAction -Message "[PROBLEM] Process: $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash. Problem getting Virus Total Report"
If ($report.positives -gt 2)
Add-Content -Path $black_file -Value $hash
New-LogAction -Message "[BLACKLIST ADD] Process: $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash was blacklisted. Hit Count: $($report.positives)/$($report.total)"
#"Kill the process"
"Stopping $proc_exe_path"
Stop-Process -Id $proc.ProcessId 2> $kill_error
If ($?)
Create-NotificationBallon -Message "Blacklisted process detected and killed. Process: $proc_exe_path" -Title "Process Killed"
New-LogAction -Message "[PROCESS KILL](Success) $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash"
} else
New-LogAction -Message "[PROCESS KILL](Failed) $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash ERROR: $kill_error"
Add-Content -Path $white_file -Value $hash
New-LogAction -Message "[WHITELIST ADD] Process: $proc_exe_path HASH: $hash was whitelisted. Hit Count: $($report.positives)/$($report.total)"
Sleep -Seconds 1