
New Member
Nov 2, 2009
I've had windows 7 for a couple of weeks now on a brand new computer. I'm impressed with it but I'm having a problem. Twice now, I've powered up my computer to find that my saved game files were missing and my wife was missing documents that she had been working on. The games were still installed, but when I went to play them (Command and Conquer 3 and Resident Evil 5) I had to put the purchase code in again and my saved games were gone in both programs. Windows Live did not remember my profile the way it had many times prior to this. The gadgets I had installed on the desktop were gone, internet history, favorites, everything gone. It seems like an update is running and removing files or restoring it to an earlier time. I haven't caught it doing this, and no one in my home has done it on purpose. I believe it's happening when the system boots up. I'm not a computer guru and I don't have a clue what's causing the problem. It's very frustrating to know I have to go kill all those zombies again!!

Does anyone know what might be causing this? Thanks in advance.

The only programs I've installed are Office 03, Norton Internet Security 2010, Command and Conquer 3, Resident Evil 5, and XBOX 360 Accessories tool (to run my XBOX 360 Controller). I've had no other problems or any other issues to be suspicious of. Norton runs a scan and it comes out clean. There was no other 3rd party software installed when I purchased it.

Hi Bigsarge,
do you have any scans set to run automatically with say, I'm just wondering if it's removing files becuse it thinks they are something else?
Hi Bigsarge,
do you have any scans set to run automatically with say, I'm just wondering if it's removing files becuse it thinks they are something else?

Thanks for the response. My wife called me from home this morning and said when she logged in, everything was back to normal. Now it almost looks like some kind of user account issue. I'll check it out when I go home for lunch. There is only one account (the default one) and one password that has been set up, so I don't see how we could have been logged in as the wrong user.

My plan of action now will just be to log out and log back in the next time it happens to see if that fixes it.

Thanks again for your help. worries :)

Glad it kinda sorted itself out but let us know the outcome..:D
