Windows 7 Windows 7 beta download imminent?


New Member
Nov 7, 2008
I just read on and verified by going to that Microsoft has added a link to the top of their Windows 7 page to download the beta. It is not funtioning as of this time.

Could this be an early Christmas present for the public :cool:? Only time will tell.

This was a publishing error on the CMS from Microsoft. Microsoft have now removed the link. Expect access to the beta after Steve Ballmer's keynote on Wednesday 7th January 2009, unless it leaks beforehand of course. :)

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That's great news!! Let's hope it IS in fact an early Christmas present for the public... though I somehow doubt it will be unfortunately.. Oh well not long to wait now ;)

In the meantime at least we get to enjoy rock solid Alpha builds!! And really, how often does that happen with Microsoft... :)

Thats awesome news! I got Windows 7 through a torrent and it apparently has some program that stops Windows from needing a product key, and to update you need to uninstall it? Any ideas on what to do?? The program is called TimerNuke

Thats awesome news! I got Windows 7 through a torrent and it apparently has some program that stops Windows from needing a product key, and to update you need to uninstall it? Any ideas on what to do?? The program is called TimerNuke

Sorry, no idea. I can only recommend waiting for the public beta to be released and activating it. That way you don't need that program.

Sorry, no idea. I can only recommend waiting for the public beta to be released and activating it. That way you don't need that program.
Would you need to pay for that or would it be free?

Thats awesome news! I got Windows 7 through a torrent and it apparently has some program that stops Windows from needing a product key, and to update you need to uninstall it? Any ideas on what to do?? The program is called TimerNuke

TimerNuke doesn't really do anything except for prevent you from getting Windows Updates. Your build will still stop working after 30 days, and still Timebomb in July. At least the beta will be out before any of that happens though :)

Would you need to pay for that or would it be free?

From the past public betas, ithe beta has been free unless you wanted them to ship you the dvd with the beta software on it. You would then pay for cost of shipping.

TimerNuke doesn't really do anything except for prevent you from getting Windows Updates. Your build will still stop working after 30 days, and still Timebomb in July. At least the beta will be out before any of that happens though :)
Cheers, mustn't have it installed as I just did a load of Windows Updates. I haven't had a popup thing at startup saying "enter your product key" though?

From the past public betas, ithe beta has been free unless you wanted them to ship you the dvd with the beta software on it. You would then pay for cost of shipping.
Thanks! :)

Cheers, mustn't have it installed as I just did a load of Windows Updates. I haven't had a popup thing at startup saying "enter your product key" though

Huh, well, I'm just going by what I read on other forums. Again, I don't think it really matters though, as we will have beta 1 by the time the grace period runs out anyway.

Huh, well, I'm just going by what I read on other forums. Again, I don't think it really matters though, as we will have beta 1 by the time the grace period runs out anyway.
Hopefully Microsoft will get off there asses and get it out soon :p

Hmm, Mary Jo Foley did say that the beta was comming in 2008, so maybe Microsoft wanted to under promise and over deliver.

Update: This was a publishing error on the CMS from Microsoft. Microsoft have now removed the link. Expect access to the beta after Steve Ballmer's keynote on Wednesday 7th January 2009, unless it leaks beforehand of course.

Oh well, guess I can wait a few more weeks. Any info on if the beta is going to be public on that day, or only for MSDN/TechNet/invited users?

p.s off topic, you got 2 rep pips now. ;)

Update: This was a publishing error on the CMS from Microsoft. Microsoft have now removed the link. Expect access to the beta after Steve Ballmer's keynote on Wednesday 7th January 2009, unless it leaks beforehand of course.
Aww :(, lol atleast the 7th is in my 30 days...

Patience.. ;) let's not rush them too much.. although the pre-betas are rock solid and way more compatible than pre-beta Vista's were we still don't want a repeat of Vista... not long to wait now anyhow... :)

It'll leak beforehand, for sure. I think MSDN subscribers get it on the 29th, and the public beta drops the 7th. I could be wrong, but my sources are usually pretty good as I've demonstrated here :)


It'll leak beforehand, for sure. I think MSDN subscribers get it on the 29th, and the public beta drops the 7th. I could be wrong, but my sources are usually pretty good as I've demonstrated here :)

If your sources are telling you that MSDN will get it on the 29th, what about the BT that received the invites and Technet?

I haven't got a huge amount of info on the invites, but I would imagine somewhere in between.

It'll leak beforehand, for sure. I think MSDN subscribers get it on the 29th, and the public beta drops the 7th. I could be wrong, but my sources are usually pretty good as I've demonstrated here :)

That's very good news... :) I agree though if the MSDN subscribers get it on the 29th and the public drops on the 7th than it will most likely leak sometime in between those dates.. I hope it DOES come out on the 7th though... only 2 days after my Birthday ;).. what a nice Bday present that would be!!

sounded too good to be true...
but I will be expecting it somehwre around the beginning of '09

