Windows 7 Windows 7 Box Cover


New Member
Jan 7, 2009
Windows 7 Box Cover and DVD Label

This is my rendition of what the box cover might look like

I have added a DVD label this one was just a quick job I'm working on a nother complete set

Hey Keith, welcome to the forum! :)

Nice job, now how many different versions do you think Microsoft will put out?? ;)

From what I hear there will be business and ultimate but not sure just how true it is

Nice cover! it was the first one i've found on internet.

That is kind of why I made it. I too searched for days for a cover and came up with nothing so I took it upon myself to create this one I think I should send it to microsoft for them to look at........Right LoL

haha, i think so! that's like the way the made Windows... steal it from Apple :razz:

Well, the 64bit version I downloaded off of Technet last night has all the same versions as Vista had.

As far as I know there will definetely be a Home Basic or just Basic and a Ultimate. I think they said that they will cut out the Home Premium and Business versions but for that there will be a new version called Professional. I think Professional should be like Vista Home Premium including the features of Vista Business.

So in short (but only as far as I know!):
Win7 Basic or Home Basic
Win7 Professional
Win7 Ultimate

EDIT: I guess I forgot some more:
Win7 Enterprise
Win7 Starter
And the N versions of Ultimate, Professional, and Basic


I'm on my 3rd attempt at installing Windows 7 64 bit and I have verified it has all the same flavors that Vista does. Here are my choices at the install screen:

1) Business
2) BusinessN
3) Enterprise
4) EnterpriseN
5) Home Basic
6) Home BasicN
7) Home Premium
8) Home PremiumN
9) Starter
10) Ultimate
11) UltimateN

Nice Hijack people

Excellent cover, anyone have a DVD label for it?

I guess I should make one to go with my cover.
I will post it when done

Ok just in case nobody has seen it yet I added a DVD label to the first post

Agreed! Those are awesome!! :) I imagine there will be some official pics of the box soon enough... ;)


If you found this to be the case, then you might be right.

Bit was this screen available when you first installed Windows7.

The only way I've seen this to be the case is if you get a special promo disk from Microsoft and this gives you choice as to what your system was instated with.sort of

Actually these are located in Windows7 if you use an open source file manager called Surf.

Also note that c:\windows\windows\system32\en-US, there are 1,300+ files that are totally hidden here as well. These are the mui files that contain the actual dialog boxes that you view when you execute other program that ere not in the list of 5 files that you can see in Windows Explorer/.

It display totally invisible files, even if you have show hidden files, Don't display extension for known file types and show hidden operating system files.

This is my version of Cover!

Here it is!
