Windows 7 Windows 7, cd dvd issues.

I 'fixed' my problem that was not being able to open the Microsoft Windows 7 DVD (still on Vista). I primed the CD/DVD drive with a CD. The CD opened fine. Then I was able to replace the CD with the Microsoft WIndows 7 DVD and install the program. It's up and running and the CD/DVD seems to be running fine. Have no explanation for the 'cure' but it worked.
It was interesting to me that the only program I had to delete before the upgrade was iTunes. That struck me a pretty funny considering all the nasty commercials the Apple guys have been running about Windows 7.
Easy option

This issue was taken up with Microsoft Support but they just went through everything I had tried to cure the problem.

Finally I gave up and took the easy option of installing an IDE DVD R/W drive and it works perfectly. My Blu-ray works with PowerDVD 8 so as long as I don't use it for 'normal' operations I have a solution (of sorts) to this issue of not reading SATA DVD drives.

I believe cdrom.sys has been rewritten for Windows 7 and it doesn't encompass all SATA drives, perhaps the manufacturers will have to write their firmware to comply.

Not an ideal method but at least I now have a fully working system again.


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