
New Member
Jul 7, 2009
Ok, so here's the setup.
I have four hard disk drives/partitions connected to my Computer. One is where Vista and Ubuntu are installed (140GB), one is the recovery partition (8.37GB), one is a data storage drive (189GB), and another is a blank one where I am trying to install Windows 7 (74GB).

I am somewhat far from doing that. I have downloaded the windows 7 release candidate via Microsoft.com and burned it to a DVD-R Disc. The burn ran fine, no errors. I restarted my computer, set BIOS to boot to the CD drive, but it just goes to the Vista/Ubuntu Dual-boot screen. So, I unplugged the Vista drive. This time, I get a little bit further, I get to an Intel boot screen with various stuff on it, but after a minute, it says: BOOTMGR MISSING PRESS CTRL+ALT+DELETE TO RESTART

and that's just about it. Any help would be SUPER APPRECIATED

I'll give more information if asked.

First you should try to use a known good bootable DVD or CD to eliminate that your burned iso of Win7 went south. As for the error, that is probably because it is skipping the DVD boot up since it seems to not be working, and is trying to boot from your recovery or storage drive, since you disconnected the bootable disk drive.

First you should try to use a known good bootable DVD or CD to eliminate that your burned iso of Win7 went south. As for the error, that is probably because it is skipping the DVD boot up since it seems to not be working, and is trying to boot from your recovery or storage drive, since you disconnected the bootable disk drive.
so, should i just go borrow a "reliable" DVD from someone?

You just need to make sure that your system is indeed able to boot from a CD/DVD first. If so, then you can assume that your iso burn is bad. Find any bootable cd/dvd. WinXP, vista, 98. A linux distro, a recovery disk maybe.

Ok, I found a recovery disk and I could use it to repair, install, upgrade, etc. Vista. So, since that worked, does that mean my burn was bad? I tried it like 4 times with 4 different DVD-R discs

This happened to me once.

Try changing the SATA cables.

When I had XP on my system I also ran Ubuntu along with it. So it used the Grub Boot Loader. I never was able to boot the W7 disk because of grub. I tried multiple downloads and burns too. The only way I ever installed W7 was through XP. With XP running I put the W7 disk in. It would start up the installation and ask where I wanted it. Then it would reboot and finish the installation. It did that on 4 different installations.

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Go into the Boot options ion startup and make sure to choose the correct drive to boot from.

Should I try this?

Ok, first of all, my CD drive is IDE, so there's no SATA cables to change.

Alright, I could temporarily install XP on my 80GB Drive, then either replace or dual-boot W7 onto it. I could use the Setup.exe on the disc, then I wouldn't have to bother with all the BIOS stuff.

Speaking of which, I also changed the boot order and all that, to no success.

Go to Start > Run, and type diskmgmt.msc.

Take a screenshot and post it back here.

Just a thought how old is the drive in question i have an old p3 system that is my kids geexbox media PC now that will read DVD-R boot from factory DVD but will under no circumstances boot from recordable DVD media i guess the drivers it needs to read that media are loaded by the OS. This is a very old drive it may not apply but worth a thought

Ok, I partitioned my 80GB Drive in half for a Disk for Windows 7, and a disk for windows xp

here is the screenshot from diskmgmt
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Just a thought how old is the drive in question i have an old p3 system that is my kids geexbox media PC now that will read DVD-R boot from factory DVD but will under no circumstances boot from recordable DVD media i guess the drivers it needs to read that media are loaded by the OS. This is a very old drive it may not apply but worth a thought

My computer is nearing 2 years old.



bumpin' mah thread

I am also getting the bootmgr is missing error.

I downloaded a clean copy of the rc from MS. I burned it at the slowest possible speed.

It gives me the error, and then goes on to boot from the HD. This is the third burned dvd to do so.

The machine still has xp on it.... I'm trying to do a clean install.

Bios is set properly to boot from DVD. Windows 7 sucks already, and I haven't even installed it yet. Not good news for Microsoft.



I swapped DVD drives in my laptop. Win 7 booted right into setup.

I dunno.

Other boot discs worked fine in the original.

