
New Member
May 11, 2009
Hi Guys.

I'm having problems with my copy of Windows 7 X64 RC1.

I've managed to install the copy on a partition of my HDD. The installation seemed to go through ok.

When it comes to loading up the OS, it hangs on a Black screen with the Windows 7 text at the bottom right corner. I thought this was just a first time boot delay.. so i left it over night..

When i got up this morning, it was still on the same screen! Any ideas?

My PC spec is the following:

AMD Athlon X2 64 6000+
Nvidia 8800GT 512MB
120GB WD 7200rpm HDD
Asus M2N-Deluxe Mobo
2 x 1GB Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800Mhz

Could this be a hardware problem at all? Dose anyone have any ideas on how this can be resolved?

Just to re cap. I am using the 64Bit Windows 7 RC1.

Is there another operating system on your computer?

Did you do a "clean" install to that partition?

Nvidia has released a Windows 7 driver for you video card 64-bit.

If you have Internet connectivity, you can download it here:

Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers

Is there another operating system on your computer?

Did you do a \"clean\" install to that partition?

Nvidia has released a Windows 7 driver for you video card 64-bit.

If you have Internet connectivity, you can download it here:

Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers

Yes it was a clean Partition.

I doubt its graphics card problems..yet.. I can't even load up the OS to download and install the drivers..

I think its the phase before you get to create Usernames/Passwords and enter my Serial Key.

Do you have another OS on your computer?

At what speed did you build the ISO?

I have partitioned my hard drive. One half has Windows XP SP3 and the other half has Windows 7.

What do you mean by build? If you are on about burning the DVD, i burned it at x4 IIRC.



I'm dual-booting winXP 64 and Win 7100 64 and so far, it's always booted, but not always first time.

My current tactic to get Win7 to boot when it doesn't want to (usually right after I install something and reboot) is to press F8 at the 'choose OS' page and choose to ignore checks for digital signing. I find that then everything works as it should, and subsequent boot-ups aren't affected. If that fails, I try Last Known Good Configuration

Personally, I think my problem is down to unsigned Firewall Miniport drivers from my NOD32 firewall, or possibly my dreadful cheap old Broadcom wifi PCI card

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I'm dual-booting winXP 64 and Win 7100 64 and so far, it's always booted, but not always first time.

My current tactic to get Win7 to boot when it doesn't want to (usually right after I install something and reboot) is to press F8 at the 'choose OS' page and choose to ignore checks for digital signing. I find that then everything works as it should, and subsequent boot-ups aren't affected. If that fails, I try Last Known Good Configuration

Thanks for the advice CAD! I will give this a try when i'm home from work!

I'll keep you posted!

Try putting in the DVD again, and when you get to the install Windows screen, choose Repair My computer.

Credit to davehc for that one.

Since you have XP installed, you might want to download a program called Easy BCD for boot options.

Download EasyBCD 1.7.2 - NeoSmart Technologies

Right.. I've formatted the partition and re installed Win 7. I'm still getting the same problem..

When installing it goes..

Main Install/Transfer files -> Restart -> Finalise Installation -> Restart -> *load OS* (This is where it is hanging)

This is the screen that it hangs at, sorry for the low quality.. iPhones and Dark rooms don't mix!

Link Removed due to 404 Error

I've tried the piece of software suggested above but i haven't found it of any use yet..


You mean it doesn't start up with Copying Files, then expanding files,(0% to 2%, then spikes up to 10%), after each sussecive point and expanding files it goes faster and faster etc?

Don't you have to input your name and check for Internet connectivity.

Aren't these options showing up?

You mean it doesn't start up with Copying Files, then expanding files,(0% to 2%, then spikes up to 10%), after each sussecive point and expanding files it goes faster and faster etc?

Don't you have to input your name and check for Internet connectivity.

Aren't these options showing up?

If i understand how windows install, i think its freezing at that phase (after 2nd restart, Name input/internet check Phase)

As for installing, no spikes or anything.

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Can you get to safemode? If so install the display drivers. Maybe its a resolution problem. Do you have another monitor around? How are you connecting it? DVI? Your not using dual monitors?

Can you get to safemode? If so install the display drivers. Maybe its a resolution problem. Do you have another monitor around? How are you connecting it? DVI? Your not using dual monitors?

Its an Nvidia 8800GT with Dual Dvi.. one is connected to my Screen, and the second is connected to my HD TV via DVI-HDMI cable..

I'll unplug it and give that a shot, might be that!
