
New Member
Apr 5, 2014

I've Googled this problem extensively but I can't seem to find anyone else who is experiencing the exact problem that I am experiencing.

I built a very high-spec gaming PC last August and installed Windows 8. I upgraded to 8.1 later and did not experience any problems until I needed to reinstall Windows 8.1 in February in order for USB devices to function properly (restoring or refreshing Windows 8.1 wasn't an option because that function is currently broken (sort it out Microsoft!!))

Since then, a unique problem seems to have developed. My CPU is an Intel-4770k, so when I first boot up the PC from shut down, or when I press the hard restart button on my computer case, the computer boots up very quickly and with no problems. However, when I click 'Restart' from Windows, the interface shuts down, and my PC remains active, but nothing else happens for a good 2 or 3 minutes. After that time, I see two red LEDs on my motherboard flash (I guess that is the PC posting) and the computer starts up.

I am clueless as to why the Restart function has such a massive delay. I followed the steps on one thread which told me to go into msconfig and disable all start-up applications and to do the same in task manager, but after doing so and restarting my PC, the problem persisted. (The thread where I found that advice is here: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...en-after/8eafb629-f157-4d53-8187-f499c6e30cfa )

I would appreciate any advice anyone can give me on this, and if I haven't clarified or explained something properly, please ask me to elaborate!

Thanks in advance.
1. The main issue first… nvvsvc.exe is the name of the program that displays NVidia control panel. Possible causes of these errors include;

a. The Nvidia software was installed incorrectly, partially blocked by some kind of anti-virus firewall and | or it is out dated.

b. There is also a known virus that can infect this file as well as at least one that pretends to be it so that older anti-virus programs will not detect it.

In this order;

2. Turn off system restore for now.

3. If you are one of those people that still use Nortains then remove it… and the systematic extras.

4. Download at least two different antvirus programs… I personally use Avast (free) at home and AVG (I think they still offer a free trial) at...
Glad it all works now.

Ps. At the risk of sounding repetitive… a good backup program.
Sorry to hear you had to reinstall. Not sure what updates fixed my problem, but the windows updates on 5/14/2014 fixed my problem. Restart is back to normal.
Having updated Windows 8 I have found it to be the worst OS to date. All of the event logs are the same, yet the PC hangs where you can do nothing but do a hard reboot. Go to the event viewer and shows the hang log, but can not find any problems when you try to go and search for it on Microsofts site.

Trying Ctrl, Alt and Del does not work most of the time. I have had my PC hang with no way to use short cuts. Forcing you to force the PC to shut down.