Windows 8 Windows Autmatic Repair Loop Error

Pranav s

New Member
Oct 22, 2013
Hey Guys,
It's only been two days since I got windows 8 Pro on my alienware. Recently I force shut down because it was not shutting down. And when I open it today it gives an error message saying that Automatic repair could not fix the problem. The error code is: "D:\WINDOWS\System32\Logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt
I have tried everything. I have used command prompt and the following commands have also been tried.
chkdsk/r c:
chkdsk/r d:

Nothing has worked so far. I have tried everything except a fresh installation of windows. I have already taken a backup previously. I am a little apprehensive about formatting again. If someone were to throw a little light on the matter it would be very helpful.

I've been into some kind of loop error before and I contacted tech support about it. They said that somewhere in the process, the PC was not shutdown properly, the system memory gets corrupted and has to be cleared out first. And one way of doing that is by doing a power drain procedure. I am not sure if this will work for you but there's no harm trying it if you are desperate. The steps are so simple. Here it is:

1.Turn off computer and unplug power cord.

2.Disconnect everything except monitor, mouse and keyboard.

3.Press power button and hold for 30 seconds.

4.Plug power cord back into computer and press power button.

5.Check front panel LEDs (lights) on bezel (front face) or optical drives and listen for power supply fan.

Also I have had a no new installation recently. Just the alienware command center. Why does such a problem arise?

I've been into some kind of loop error before and I contacted tech support about it. They said that somewhere in the process, the PC was not shutdown properly, the system memory gets corrupted and has to be cleared out first. And one way of doing that is by doing a power drain procedure. I am not sure if this will work for you but there's no harm trying it if you are desperate. The steps are so simple. Here it is:

1.Turn off computer and unplug power cord.

2.Disconnect everything except monitor, mouse and keyboard.

3.Press power button and hold for 30 seconds.

4.Plug power cord back into computer and press power button.

5.Check front panel LEDs (lights) on bezel (front face) or optical drives and listen for power supply fan.

6.If LEDs are on or power supply fan starts spinning, watch for boot screen on monitor.

7.If computer begins to start, turn it off.

8.Reconnect any external devices.

9.Press the power button and make sure the computer starts.

If this doesn't work, you would probably need to do a system recovery. And for that you would need your Bootable rescue disc and the recovery media you have (either USB or DVD). But if you have an image back-up, that's a good alternative.


What does the text file say. It is probably not on D: but on C:

If you can't get to the file, you might try the command prompt to copy it to a flash drive. You might also run the System File Checker from the same command prompt.

The file normally results from running one of the checking programs, but I can't remember which one. It may show some corruption in the Windows System files, but it could be important in pointing you to a resolution.

You might also be more specific about your problem of "was not shutting down".
