Windows 7 Windows Security Centre


New Member
Oct 20, 2011
When I try to start Windows Security Centre a message appears:" The Windows Security Center service can't be started."
First if you don't mind try uninstalling McAfee completely from your computer, use the programs and features applet in the control panel followed by the vendor specific proprietary removal tool and then see if you can installLink Removed due to 404 Error and run a full scan.
See if that makes any difference at all in whether or not you can open the security center.
The keys are found by using the registry editor (exactly in the HIVE location I described above) as well as methods to export and import same. Please do not attempt to edit the registry if you are not confident in doing so, as you may make the problem worse instead of better. If you would like to export that particular key (if present) zip it up and attach it to...
And I still get redirected to different sites from time to time. When this happens Malwarebytes tells me that it has blocked some malicious dangerous sites.
Hi Link Removed

i have the same isue, only i am running on Super-Anti-Spyware and anti-virus is security essentials, i ahve already tried deleting a respiratory file (not sure of the spelling). restarted the service and computer. seems to have fixed it on first restart. but after a while (next boot) same problem. any suggestions?
