Windows 7 Windows Services unable to start


New Member
Sep 14, 2009
For some reason some of Windows services like (Error Reporting service, Windows Time service, ...etc) are disabled when I open the services.msc. If I try to enable any of them (set it's startup to manual) I get an error message saying "The system cannot find the path specified". Any ideas?

You don't seriously think my 1st step was posting the question. I tried many things. I got the error reporting service to start normally by setting it's startup flag from the Registry to Automatic. The Windows time service however is now giving me an Access Denied error when I try to start the service.
Is this a brand new install and was it an upgrade or a "clean" install?

It's a clean installation. But I've had it for about 6 months. I'm sure it's something I missed up but I was looking for a solution

You have to determine what dependencies that they rely on by clicking on the Dependancies tab.

No dependecies, so you must have disabled it elsewhere.

Go to Start > Run, Help and Support and type Windows Error Reporting and you;ll find your answer.

You don't seriously think my 1st step was posting the question. I tried many things. I got the error reporting service to start normally by setting it's startup flag from the Registry to Automatic. The Windows time service however is now giving me an Access Denied error when I try to start the service.

If i might ask, why did you turn these services off in the first place?

Did you run a Registry Cleaning program or optimizer to optimize your services?

I don't recall disabling these services myself. So I guess one of the many registry cleaning tools/Tweaking Utilities I've tried has done it. This is really driving me nuts

Well, you can either set them all to automatic (terrible Idea) or re-format your computer and stop using those tweaking tools.Most of those tools were not designed for Windows 7.

Actually I did make sure that vendors of tweakers said they were compatible with Windows 7 even though I had to find out the hard way they were not. I don't remember if I've mentioned this before and I'm too lazy to move my hands to the mouse and scroll up but I get the error message even if I try to change startup type. unless I do it from the registry which is the exact way those tweaking utilities caused the problem in the first place.

I'll buy a Windows 7 copy soon but I'll try to make the best of the RC for now. Unless someone else has an Idea because I hate reinstalling Windows. I've bet someone I wouldn't have to. I was even looking for someway to upgrade from RC to the final release.

I think that's out of the question now :)

The final release will be out in a few days.

Please don't do an upgrade, a" clean" install is the only way to go.

Upgrading leaves hundreds of useless files on your system, taking up space and possibly causing driver conflicts.
