Windows 7 Wireless stopped working.


New Member
Aug 8, 2010
Hello all.

Yeah im a kid filled with network problems 8D .

Well I really need to fix this problem quickly because my dad cant be without internet connection for long time so yeah.. :S

What happened is that I configured a new network/internet connection and now only me ( cuz I have a cable connection) have internet.

Neither my dad's or my brother's computers ( both use wireless connections ) have no internet .

How can I fix this?

PS : Forgot to say that before me configuring the net network, eveything worked just fine.

Turn off everything, that means also your Dad's Computer.
I'm sorry he's angry, but remember, no good deed goes unpunished. So just grin and bear it, just go easy on the grin.
You should reset the ARRIS device, including removing the battery, I have practically the same device (MODEL: TM602G) and I have done it several times with no ill side effects. It's sort of like simulating a power failure at your house. Not sure how you reset it without doing the above, since mine has no power switch that I can find. When you do this you need to have all down stream devices off (your network nodes, computers, router, etc). The router should be unplugged also.
Then put the battery back into the ARRIS and plug it back into the wall. Wait for...
Whoa, now you've gone and done it.
First try this, turn off every thing, then take the power away from the SMC router and the Arris Device, wait for a while, pour yourself some juice, have a drink or two and then in this order,
Plug in the Arris wait again until all lights are steady green, except possibly one light (called line) may continue to flash green.
Then make sure that the ethernet port on the back of the Arris, is plugged into the WAN port on the SMC router, then plug the SMC router back in and wait for it to finish the boot process.
Leave your computer off.
Boot Dad's PC and see if he has his wireless connection back.
If not check and make sure that, within the properties of his network card under the properties of IPv4, that everything is set to auto, Get IP automatically and Get DNS Automatically. If you changed anything there then launch a command prompt and type ipconfig /release and then ipconfig /renew
Keep us posted.

EDIT: Forgot to mention if the ARRIS device has a battery, make sure you remove it also when you disconnect it from the power source.
EDIT 2: Also you may want to start looking around for someone else to blame. I find that a younger sibling will usually work or even a pet, if you're in a pinch, as long as it's not a gold fish.

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Well I didnt changed anything on ym dad's computer, I have set up a new network on MY computer which is the only one that uses cable to acess internet in the attempt of solving my game error on the other posts.
I didnt notice any changes because, as I sayd before, I dont use wireless. It seems only wireless connections were affected and I dont know why.

I don't know why either. Simply configuring a new network connection on your computer shouldn't have impacted other devices on the network, so I'm not exactly sure what might have happened. Did you at any time do a factory reset of the SMC router, as we discussed earlier in the other thread? I do know that a complete network reboot as I suggested earlier will often help resolve such issues. Did you try that? Or maybe just try shutting down the other two computers and bringing them back up to see if they are able to re-establish their wireless connections.
I've included attachments in the form of zip files for both your ARRIS device as well as the SMC router, just in case you don't have access to the actual documentation. The setup and configuration of both seem pretty straight forward, but you can use these to double check everything.

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Well I have tried unpluggin the router from the plug and doing a reset to the modem, not unplugging it and removing the battery,. After that only my dad's computer was booted and he still has no internet. plus it doesnt show any wireless connecctions avaiable.
Another thing , my WLAN light isn't on. doesn't even flash or anything, it just stays off.
Is there any way to allow wireless devices, like my dad's laptop, to connect on my network?
I gotta fix this fast cuz he's really pissed off D: .
and im scared cuz i ahve set up a new network but I keep telling I did nothing .

Turn off everything, that means also your Dad's Computer.
I'm sorry he's angry, but remember, no good deed goes unpunished. So just grin and bear it, just go easy on the grin.
You should reset the ARRIS device, including removing the battery, I have practically the same device (MODEL: TM602G) and I have done it several times with no ill side effects. It's sort of like simulating a power failure at your house. Not sure how you reset it without doing the above, since mine has no power switch that I can find. When you do this you need to have all down stream devices off (your network nodes, computers, router, etc). The router should be unplugged also.
Then put the battery back into the ARRIS and plug it back into the wall. Wait for all the lights to finish, then plug the SMC router back into the wall, wait for all the lights to finish. Then turn on your dads computer, which should have been turned off before you started this. Not asleep, not hibernated, not suspended, but off.
Double check the router interface and make sure that you still have the WAN side set to dynamic as before in the picture that you attached in the previous thread. And make sure that for some reason the wireless radio hasn't defaulted to off or disabled.
Again, your setting up a new network connection on your machine, should not have impacted any of this, it's just some basic troubleshooting steps to follow, in order to get things back up and running.

Thanks for you help. The problem has been fixed.

Well my dad went on rampage and just spammed the reset button on my router ( HOORAY ).
Now it's all good I hope.
Now we just have one problem and I dont know how to fix it.
My dad wants me to set up a password for when people try to use our connection, they dont know the password and then they cant use our connection for free.
Could you help me with that?

Refer to pages 81 through 83 in the user guide for the router, choose WPA (only) select WPA-PSK then TKIP then Passphrase and enter a passphrase that is reasonable for you, something like Re@s0n@ble2Me make it something that you can remember. And you can change it when ever you like.

Also page 125 of that documentation instructs how to do a reset to factory defaults. Perhaps you weren't holding the button down long enough initially.

Just realized that my earlier upload of the user manual for your SMC router failed, must have something to do with the size of the file.
Here's the link where I downloaded it. It's dated May of 2008 and is about 13 megs. Hope this helps
Link Removed

Well thanks for your help but guess what, reseting router to factory defaul didnt fix my hacking trial error D: .
I really dont know what it can be causing that as I have tryed everything S:

Yaa, but look at all you've learned in the interim, now you're an old hand at setting up and configuring a network.
I don't know what to tell you about the game, I looked at the link that TorrentG provided and apparently you're not the only one having that issue.
Not sure if uninstalling the game and reinstalling it, is an option for you or if it would do any good anyway. It seems that most of the people who are experiencing that issue are just waiting for a patch or update to fix it.
Maybe try Alien Swarm, from Steam a lot of the members seem to like it, it runs fine in Windows 7 and best of all it's free.

Hey. After my help in another thread, dealing with the UPnP stuff, you said you played 2 separate 30 minute consecutive games without error. If that's the case, I would leave my router alone with how it was set then. No amount of tinkering is going to do any better than that. There is an issue elsewhere if issues suddenly popped up again after that, and it's not the router.


well as I sayd I tryed everything from reinstalling and redownloading the game, delete pastes and files so it re-patches when it starts and I actually got to reformat my computer! I also have added all hgwc, xtrap files to windows firewall as I also did that with port numbers.


Well how come the error stops when I unplug my router and connect the modem directly to my computer?
