So as promised Pics and some commentary
first up inside the old beast rather crammed in there really wasn't much room but i made do, it's an iCute 0509ULA - 4G - BS case
next up is all the gear i had in it laid out ready to be transplanted into the new RV02
A little lesson to be learnt was that the HDD cage wont fit in if the MOBO is in place
buggar remove mobo install HDD cage refit mobo
So once all the hard stuff was done it all got a little easier and was just a matter of attaching the HSF click done
next came the Video card and RAM and PSU. I had to re-route the 6pin power cable as it didn't quite reach, it was all of about 25mm (1") to short to fit comfortably into the rear of the Video card
next was just a little cable tidying and tying of which i didn't take a picture of why i don't know maybe cause it was 2:30am anywho on with the show
so here it is the finished job
and one from the front
now to run some benchies and keep an eye on temps but so far so good