Windows 7 World of warcraft - win7 64bit. vs vista 32bit


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
My setup
Gigabyte p35-ds3l
2gb of ram
xfx 9800 gt

Win vista 32 bit (Legit copy of vista ultimate) - 1440x900
Some settings at high, most at high/medium, a couple at low (shadow detail, view distance)
Would usually stay at 60fps in naxx 10, heroics, most outdoor area's, choked in wintergrasp, and 30-40 fps in dalaran.

Win 7 64 bit - 1440x900
Everything on high
Except view distance, about 70%
60fps everywhere except dalaran. 45-50

Ordered 4gb of ram now that im running 64 bit.

I need to try to install WoW yet on windows 7, my drivers for my ethernet card is fubar so im going to have to figureout a different way how to get internet on the bad boy.

Add Mass Effect

to the list of working games in windows 7 32bit

World of Warcraft and UAC w/ W7?

Posted in Windows 7 Support (more of a UAC question) how do I delete this post?

So I copied WoW off my other drive onto the Windows 7 partition. I always like to give it a reset when I do this, so I deleted the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders like I always do. Then I started WoW from the wow.exe to rebuild the folders. It started fine. I exited and the folders were not there.

Oh, ya, I remember Vista does that. You have to restart. Restarted. Not there... Oh, new UAC controls? Turned UAC all the way off / down. Did it again... not there.

Does Windows 7 have another level of control on programs creating files and directories?

Other than this, I'm very impressed thus far. Its snappy!


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I noticed a great improvement in fps after going from Vista x64 to Win7 x64.

Intel C2Q Q6600 2.4Ghz
4GB DDR2 RAM 800mhz
XFX Geforce 8800GTX 768mb

I was usually getting 30-55fps everywhere (but Dalaran) and 15-35fps in raids. I am now getting 50-60fps everywhere except for Dalaran and 40-60fps in raids.

I also noticed a great improvement in wow, from vista x64 to win7 x64.... about 15fps more... and it feel more fluid...

radeon 4870 512mb
4gigs of ram

Posted in Windows 7 Support (more of a UAC question) how do I delete this post?

So I copied WoW off my other drive onto the Windows 7 partition. I always like to give it a reset when I do this, so I deleted the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders like I always do. Then I started WoW from the wow.exe to rebuild the folders. It started fine. I exited and the folders were not there.

Oh, ya, I remember Vista does that. You have to restart. Restarted. Not there... Oh, new UAC controls? Turned UAC all the way off / down. Did it again... not there.

Does Windows 7 have another level of control on programs creating files and directories?

Other than this, I'm very impressed thus far. Its snappy!


Where did you put the WoW folder? I put mine in the C:\Users\Public\Games folder and have had NO issues at all.

I also noticed a great improvement in wow, from vista x64 to win7 x64.... about 15fps more... and it feel more fluid...

radeon 4870 512mb
4gigs of ram

8600GT SLi

WoW runs SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better! Man, if they keep this going this way and get these games ironed out and working well (or better) imagine all the systems that will be migrating to Windows 7? Who says Gamers don't get a say in the industry, hell, we drive more innovation than just about anyone else for Hardware/Software! :D:D

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How I Reset the Interface

I just keep WoW in the default folder C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft.

To reset the interface, I moved my UAC all the way down (lowest setting). Then I used the repair utility (repair.exe) and reset all files. Afterward I moved the UAC control up one notch from the lowest setting.

My frame rates in Dalaran are still 35-40fps. I hoped they would be higher with the new video card.

Oh, I'm using Windows 7 Beta 32bit. Why would the 64bit version be faster?


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I just keep WoW in the default folder C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft.

To reset the interface, I moved my UAC all the way down (lowest setting). Then I used the repair utility (repair.exe) and reset all files. Afterward I moved the UAC control up one notch from the lowest setting.

My frame rates in Dalaran are still 35-40fps. I hoped they would be higher with the new video card.

Oh, I'm using Windows 7 Beta 32bit. Why would the 64bit version be faster?


Interesting, with Wrath of the Lich King, the installer moved it from the default folder to the C:\Users\Public\Games folder because of all the permissions issues with Vista and WoW Patching. If you move it there, it should resolve the issues you have been having and still allow you to keep UAC up a bit more than all the way off.

I had 32 bit and 64 bit installed on my machine (dual boot) but I dumped 32bit for a couple primary reasons:

1. I have 12GB of RAM, 32 bit not really good for that
2. 64 bit is faster when I play WoW, but then again, more RAM in my case
3. 64 bit is just *drooooolz* :P

Ok, I got the hard drive space. I'll try a 64bit install and see. But with only 2GB of RAM I'm not expecting much difference.

Hey what hard drive do you use? Wrath makes my hard drive crunch like crazy, esp. when I'm flying. I was thinking about getting a 60GB SSD. I would just use it for the OS, Firefox and WoW. From what I have read the Western Digital VelociRaptor sounds just about as fast.


Clean 32bit 7 install.

Intel Core 2 Dual 2.66Ghz
ATI HD 3650 512 MB

So I intstalled and patched WoW etc. Funnily enough the WotLK installer would freeze up my machine if it tried to move the installation folder for the permissions etc.
Barring the freeze, WoW runs as smoothe as ever (migrated from an XP system, so no change in fps or anything).
However, for some reason, After maybe an hour play time. 7 BSOD'd and reset itself. This then happened after 5 mins of play time 6 times after this.
BSOD is only visible for 0.1 sec, so I can't read it to check the error. I may try and film it so I can atleast freeze the frame. =/

All my settings are up to max.
1680 x 1050 maximized windowed mode (So I can use my 2nd screen for FireFox or w/e but still keep the fullscreen look)

Think the maximized windowed mode is mucking around with stuff? =/

Other than the BSODs (Which is a pretty grave incident) WoW runs perfectly.

tbh, I am rather proud of myself for unlocking this special stage of W7. It's like a personal achievement with every new Windows OS. *cries bravely*

It's really good to hear that WoW is running at higher fps on Win7 than on Vista.

Just wanted to get it out there, I'm running Windows 7 build 7000 64bit, and I had an issue with my mouse freaking out in wow when i tried to move the camera.

I turned on compatibility mode for Windows Vista and it's working perfectly now. I'm also seeing performance increases like others have mentioned.

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tbh, I am rather proud of myself for unlocking this special stage of W7. It's like a personal achievement with every new Windows OS. *cries bravely*

My girlfriend is having exactly the same issue, unfortunatly we havent found anything that fixes it yet.

[edit] turning transparency off in windows and adding -opengl to the warcraft shortcut seems to have helped in that it doesnt BSOD now.

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I didnt see much improvment in changing to win7 from vista in fps but i know one thing: in big cities (lots of people) the gpu aint the bottle neck... i have 40-60 fps in Orrgrimar but the catalyst control center whowed 30% of GPU load (GPU-Z test were the same) I have everything maxed out and in windowed mode with 8x AA and cant get the GPU to get to 100% maybe if i'm flying somewhere and than I get 130+ fps (My GPU is Radeon HD4870)
BTW WD VelociRaptor 150GB only gets 5.9 in windows experience index (WTF, one of the fastest hard drivers in consumer market)

I just keep WoW in the default folder C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft.

To reset the interface, I moved my UAC all the way down (lowest setting). Then I used the repair utility (repair.exe) and reset all files. Afterward I moved the UAC control up one notch from the lowest setting.

My frame rates in Dalaran are still 35-40fps. I hoped they would be higher with the new video card.

Oh, I'm using Windows 7 Beta 32bit. Why would the 64bit version be faster?


WoW is kind of backwards when it comes to scaling. Most newer games use GPU before CPU, not WoW, it does CPU then GPU, I don't know all the technical bits behind it, but it makes upgrading videocards before processor pointless for WoW.

Now, there are some tricks for improving performance in WoW.

First run this in the command prompt as admin:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

That will help latency issues

Next if you are running a multi core system you want to set your affinity to 15, if you are on single core you are SOL.

go to the config.WTF folder and change

SET processAffinityMask "x" to 15, and also make sure you have the right amount of cores showing with the SET coresDetected right before it.

Those two things really helped my FPS. I was getting 30-40 with a Q6600 and a GTX260 in Howling Fijord, which is way worse than before, but changing it boosted me back up into 70-100's depending on population in the area, and 30-40ish in Dal.

WoW is kind of backwards when it comes to scaling. Most newer games use GPU before CPU, not WoW, it does CPU then GPU, I don't know all the technical bits behind it, but it makes upgrading videocards before processor pointless for WoW.

Now, there are some tricks for improving performance in WoW.

First run this in the command prompt as admin:

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

That will help latency issues

Next if you are running a multi core system you want to set your affinity to 15, if you are on single core you are SOL.

go to the config.WTF folder and change

SET processAffinityMask "x" to 15, and also make sure you have the right amount of cores showing with the SET coresDetected right before it.

Those two things really helped my FPS. I was getting 30-40 with a Q6600 and a GTX260 in Howling Fijord, which is way worse than before, but changing it boosted me back up into 70-100's depending on population in the area, and 30-40ish in Dal.

Really good advice, I'll give this a shot when I get some time.

Schmak01, I tried to quick reply here, but it didn’t seem to go. Thank you, +rep. It took me $187 to figure this out the hard way. I returned my video card. I have the numbers to prove it on my Link Removed - Invalid URL.

I did the “netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabledâ€Â￾ and “SET processAffinityMask "15â€Â￾â€Â￾. It seems to have made a +5-10fps difference for me in Dalaran at least.

I didn’t have the “SET processAffinityMask “xâ€Â￾â€Â￾ at all. I added it. What do these two changes do?

Thanks again,


Link Removed - Invalid URL
these were the games that come with win 7 right. did anyone get more.
