
  1. trog69

    Windows 10 i7-6700k; is it still worth keeping as a gaming chip or should I upgrade?

    I haven't had to bother OC'ing this CPU yet. It's paired now with a 2080 ultra GPU. 16gbs DDR4 ram and 1tb SSD. I get a solid 60fps in all my games ( Wild Hunt, FO4, The Outer Worlds ) and I usually game @ 1440p because I cannot see a difference with 4k, but I sure can tell how much the fans...
  2. C

    Update LCD panel to 1440p On laptop

    Hi, I got a 1080p LCD panel now on my Lenovo T470s and that version can also bee delivered with a 1440p display that has way better RGB tracking. So I'm wondering if it's a good ide to replace the display to a 1440p? The price is only 90USD for it on eBay, and the motherboard is the same on my...
  3. trog69

    Windows 10 Fallout 4 high-resolution patch-Can you run it?

    According to Bethesda, the recommended system able to use this high-res patch would be a six-core i7 and a gtx 1080 GPU. That's at 1080p, mind you. I'm presently playing @ 1440p, so my i7-6700k/980ti SC+ rig might be wheezing a bit much-nevermind the 4k monitor I have still in the box. Does...
  4. trog69

    Another 1440p or go for 4k?

    I have been very fortunate to enjoy this cheapo S. Korean 1440p monitor, but it's been three years, and I don't want to tempt fate, so I'm looking to replace it. I don't need the faster monitors as I only game single-player RPGs like Fallout 4/Skyrim/The Witcher: Wild Hunt, so most of the...
  5. EDLIU

    When's The Best Time To Get A Monitor

    Hi, I'm thinking about getting a 27 inch 1080p(1440p better) monitor. From Samsung, Dell, or ViewSonic. I'd like to get a latest released monitor if possible. So, when's "the best time" to make a purchase? Thanks. Ed
  6. trog69

    Is 1600p enough screen real estate to warrant upgrade from 1440p?

    Now that I have a new z170 system, and seeing how low-priced the higher-def monitors are now, plus the fact that I need another monitor ( my brother is the recipient of the old but still very potent gaming rig) I was wondering if going to a 2560x1600 monitor would be a major boost in screen real...
  7. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 What's with Super Dynamic Resolution?

    Hi I just found that my Nvidia Graphics card has added Super Dynamic Resolution? I don't quite get it, how can it make my 1920 by 1080 monitor show 3849 by 2160 resolution? I didn't think that was possible. A Pixel is a Pixel? Anyway I tried 2560 by 1440 in the Witcher 3, and it definitely...
  8. trog69

    How long do IPS monitors last vs TN?

    Good afternoon. I have a S. Korean/LG 27" IPS monitor (1440p). I read that TN panels generally last upwards of two years if left on all the time. My monitor is also on almost all the time, so I wondered how long an IPS monitor would last? Do they last longer, the same, or worse?
  9. trog69

    Windows 7 1440p videos shut off at the 10sec. mark every time.

    I asked this about 6 months ago and got no responses, but perhaps with the prices going falling on high-resolution monitors, someone has found a solution to this minor issue. What happens is that when I click the full screen mode for a YouTube video that has up to 4k resolution available, it...
  10. trog69

    Windows 7 1440p videos switch to 480p @ :10sec mark.

    Good evening. I have an issue with hi-def videos. I have a 2560x1440 monitor, and a gtx 780 card, so I should have no problem running videos @ 1440p, but when I go to full-screen the video switches back to the small screen and downscales to 480p at the :10 second mark. Then, when I expand the...
  11. trog69

    Windows 8 Is there someone here that knows what's up with vRAM?

    Good evening. I'm an avid PC gamer, and I'm presently using an EVGA gtx 780 card to push the pixels on a 1440p monitor. The GPU has 3gb of vram, and so far only Skyrim has gone past the 2gbs usage of vram, and that's with all the sliders at Ultra and the HD patches installed, as well as a lot of...
  12. T

    Windows 7 Desktop Resolution not correct after exiting games

    The native resolution of my LCD monitor is 1680x1050, and this is what I use for my desktop. When I exit full-screen games (even if they are set to run at this resolution) my desktop reappears at a lower resolution (1360x1024), and is very off center (to the left). In both the CCC and the...