
  1. B

    Windows 7 Computer keeps restarting- won't reach desktop.

    I'm running win 7 64. When I turn the comp on it keeps restarting right whe it's at the "welcome"'screen and it just keeps booting. Im able to boot in safe mode but not with networking- I get a blue screen if I try. I have Malwarebytes installed, ran a full scan in safe mode with no error...
  2. B

    Windows 7 Too Many Processes?

    Hi, So my computer's been running kinda slow lately, and it even shut down (I assume due to overheating) while playing Starcraft 2 yesterday. So I'm thinking I either have a virus, spyware, or just too many processes. I attached a picture of my current processes, so can someone tell me what...
  3. E

    Windows 7 Install sheild wizard freeze. Can't install anything. Plz help freaking out.

    I popped in my Elder scrolls IV oblivion cd and install sheild froze.Then after a few seconds popped up and said Error 5009. I tried another software cd I had and its the same thing. I can't even install anything I download off the internet without it freezing up on me. This seems sudden to...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Resolution etc

    Hi I've just updated to Win7 (32) and finally managed to update drivers etc. The laptop is an Acer Aspire 6935G with 2.86, 4G and a 512MB Nvidia graphics card. I'm using an LG wide-screen monitor and though the picture, movies and Word are great, I cannot get some programs (Picasa, Spybot...
  5. Windows 7 Adaware Update 8.2

    Adaware has been updated from 8.1 to 8.2 and changes include better compatibility with 7.. Ad-Aware by Lavasoft - Antivirus software, free spyware removal, firewall
  6. Windows 7 have internet with software and games but cant surf in the internet

    hi. I have a internet in software and in game but i cannot surf on the internet explorer or in the google chrome. it's cuz some viruses i had. i have deleted them. the name of the trojans was : win32.trojan.agent win32.trojandownloader.agent i already delete them and i scan the computer...
  7. D

    Windows 7 Facebook Virus (cleared?); BSOD: Bad Pool Caller and Memory Management

    Hi there, I'm not sure where to begin with my troubles so I'm going to list all of them in chronological order: 1. I've been having a few BSODs the past two weeks, starting with page_fault_in_nonpaged_area. I left it alone. 2. I had installed a game that didn't work (graphics card on a laptop...
  8. A

    Windows Vista Virus Screwed up Vista Bad (Vista Dummie)

    Ok I am not that much of a noob at computers and I am usually able to fix any sort of virus infected comp within a short period of time, however, my father's Dell laptop is a complete hassle (Again I am very new to Vista only use XP on all my personal comps). It is a Dell Vostro 1000 not really...
  9. Free Adaware Anniversary Edition

    Lavasoft has released a new Anniversary Edition (AE) of Ad-Aware anti-spyware, including a free version. Some of it's features could be quite invasive though as well as a resource eater.. It may be worth closing some of the utilities/scanners and has a list of whats best to...