
  1. K

    Windows 10 Kingston SSD sometimes isn't recognized by Windows or BIOS

    I got my computer like 2 weeks ago, it's good but there's one problem. For a boot SSD I chose the Kingston NV1 since it's cheap, it's M.2, and it's 500gb, however it's not doing much booting right now because every time I try set it as boot priority it just loads back to my temporary windows...
  2. B

    Windows 10 Boot configuration errors - Windows 10

    Hi guys, I started getting these blue screens and it appears something in my boot configuration is corrupted, but I didn't do anything recently so I am not sure what could go wrong there. When I select "Continue" system starts normally, but I keep getting more errors so I wanted to check if you...
  3. Scarecrow

    Windows 10 Can't boot on selected drive

    Hi, I recently built a PC with 2 drives, a SSD and a HDD. I had originally installed Windows on the SSD but after a malfunction, I temporarily installed it on the HDD while the SSD was getting replaced. When the new SSD arrived, I did the following : - Unplugged the SATA cable from my HDD -...
  4. I

    Windows 10 Answer File to Automate Startup of New Computer

    I am looking for some help/advice in creating an answer file to automate the first time boot of a Windows 10 computer. I prepare many of these computers for customers and would like to automate the process. How do I make an answer file to accomplish this?
  5. C

    Windows 10 Windows 10 boot loader problems

    So I have a Windows 10 partition I want to save and migrate to an m.2 ssd. This is sort of a play build so I've had 4 operating systems on the dive at various times, 2 windows and 2 Linux. I've been able to remove the Linux systems and restore the boot but when I try to remove the the windows...
  6. J

    Windows XP .bin used as bootable drive?

    Long story short, an internal HDD failed. I sent the drive to a data recovery service and they retrieved the data. They also created a .bin file that would allow me to boot the machine. I also received an internal HDD with a clone of the old HDD. I installed the cloned drive but I get "NTLDR...
  7. Omer200158

    Windows 10 Windows 10 doesn't open

    i have windows 10 on my pc but evrytime i boot up my pc i can't come into windows it stuck on the loading screen it just keep circling but dont open i waited about 30 mins then it just reboot the pc and again didn't load windows
  8. S

    Windows 10 Problem with bootloader (I think)

    So I had Linux mint installed on my Laptop, dual booting with Windows 10, and decided I wanted to get rid of it. So without research I just deleted the partition and extended the windows partition. I was then left with GRUB, the Ubuntu bootloader. I spend some time trying to get rid of this: I...
  9. E

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 boot stuck running chkdsk

    I scheduled a 'chkdsk /f /r c:' for my C drive under Windows 8.1. When I next booted the check disk started running, reached 13%, then never got beyond that point. I can leave it running for hours and the screen shows 13% completion and the check disk never completes. This has the effect of...
  10. W

    Windows 7 Windows 7 32-bit Fails To Boot Up, If Not, Freezes In Use

    Windows 7 Professional 32-bit Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 CPU 6320 @ 1.86 GHz x2 4GB RAM My Win7 started to freeze while I'm using the computer about a week ago. It accepts no input (no cursor movement, cannot type etc.). After a while it began to freeze up on boot up, at the same certain point (when 4...
  11. L

    Windows 10 Won't boot

    Last night I tried reinstalling fedora on a partition on my computer but after the installation was completed and it was restarted I couldnt boot on windiws or linux. I have a discrecovery but none of the options seem to be doing anything, even the reset pc and keep files didnt help. And after...
  12. nicktorres1992

    Windows 7 Reboot and Select Proper Boot device issue

    I built my first rig a few years ago and haven't had too many major issues with it until last week. I used it as usual and shutdown before going to bed. When I woke up the next morning and turned it on, I was met with "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot...
  13. H

    Windows 7 Can't get to windows, always boot up to chkdsk even after completing it

    Last night my pc was fine, until I booted it up this morning, after the windows logo it brings me to chkdsk (drive C, system partition), ran it and it took hours to complete, there are so much unreadable file error, minor name or what it is, after it finished my pc reboots itself, back into the...
  14. M

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Startup Glitching

    I have a Lenovo Thinkpad W510 and whenever I try to boot it up, it shows the blue Windows 10 logo like normal, but before I get to the sign in screen, the white loading screen shows and the screen turns black for a split second, then it loads a tiny bit more, then the screen turns black for a...
  15. A

    Windows 7 Windows 7 boot so fast I dont hear all of the startup sound.....

    Ok I installed a new Crucial SSD and it works great besides a few problems (i will post another thread about the other problems) title says it all for this question... i literally hear only the end of the startup sound and it doesnt even finish the windows animation.... im not sure if i should...
  16. Z

    Windows 10 How to replace Winlogon Shell

    Hello, i used to replace the explorer.exe from the registrykey "winlogon" with my own startup .EXE . This worked like a charm for Win XP and later on for Win 7 (had to deactivate UAC for it to work on Win7). Now on Windows 10 i cannot get it to work at all. As usual i replaced the regkey...
  17. J

    Windows 10 Help with a recovery partition, USB booting, and .swm files.

    I upgraded to Windows 10 on a brand-new laptop running Windows 8.1. This is a gaming laptop and, unfortunately, not all of the software/drivers that came with the laptop is compatible with Windows 10 right now. The laptop is an MSi GP60 2QF Leopard Pro. It has a 16GB recovery partition...