
  1. Windows 10 CLI Restore Registry from .reg file with Whole Registry in it.

    Hi, I think I've messed my registry up. Just before doing some registry editing using regedit I saved the whole registry reg.reg. Rebooted and couldn't get into windows. Am now booted into Command Prompt but don't know what to do! I've been playing with reg.exe but not been able to get it...
  2. Windows 7 Get all CLI parameters/switches from NSIS installer

    Having NSIS installer e.g. Program.exe Is there a way to get all CLI switches that current installer can process. The purpose is to automate installation I don't mean standard switches like /S switch for silent install I tried to "unzip" Program.exe with 7zip - no useful info found about...
  3. S

    Windows 10 Windows administration vs linux ??

    Hello everybody, I've always used Windows (gaming, networking, etc.) but I was forced some time ago to learn linux. "Forced" is a big word but I wanted to learn linux and UNIX-based systems. At work, i'm using windows but more and more linux (server side). Linux is a great thing (open-source...
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    Windows 7 How to find out from computer the public (!) IP4 address of router?

    Assume I connect from my Win7 computer to the router which in turn is connected to the Internet provider servers. Now the inhouse LAN assigns the IP4s depending of the local DHCP-server. Ok. But I am NOT interested in these IP4s but on the public IP4 address which is assigned to the router...
  5. Scalable WordPress on Azure Websites | Web Camps TV

    Join your guide Link Removed as he talks to the product teams in Redmond as well as the web community. This week Cory talks about Scalable WordPress which can be provisioned from the Azure Marketplace. In the demo, Cory demonstrates a WordPress site which is available in two regions (East and...
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    Tips to follow before Linux Server Remotely management from windows

    i want to any other major options on how to manage and access multiple Linux server software remotely from windows operating system. As i went with two methods include the GUI standing for graphical user interface and the CLI meaning command line interface. Remote control via CLI: simplest way...
  7. Windows 7 Requesting Information on how to delete/remove network (NIC) profiles (IP Information)

    I was wondering if there was a way (either via the CLI or the registry) to remove or delete my current and past NIC information that Windows has saved. I have a problem where the GATEWAY address always disappears when I start my PC and thus have to manually enter the NIC IP information each...
  8. Windows 7 Visual C++ to support C++/CLI Intellisense

    Link RemovedSays: Recently Mohsen & Craig talked about a Link Removed and Tony talked Link Removed around C++, both of these videos touched on the subject of providing a more real world pragmatic discussion around why we do things and what we’re planning. This post is the first in a series of...
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    Windows 7 List of commands to use in command prompt

    Can I get a list of commands I can use in a command prompt, please?
  10. Windows 7 Hyperviser - Physical Disks and Compatibility

    Hi, Ok i've not used a Hyperviser before and before I go any further with it I was hoping someone could help me out with a couple of queries that I cant find much information on. The Setup: I have an old server lazing around its a AMD Athlon x64 3600+ with 1GB of RAM. It is currently running...