cold boot

  1. Windows 7 Premonition of failing hdd

    I have 4 SATA hdd drives. One is a Seagate 1TB. Recently I have had a curious (to me at least) recurring symptom. My drives are split into partitions. Just one of the drives partitioned into three "drives" upon cold boot triggers the pop-up panels that appear when a removable drive has been...
  2. C

    Windows 7 BSOD on cold boot?

    New build I put together on the cheap. Seemed to be working fine until I shut down and let it sit overnight. The next morning started getting BSOD usually right after booting into windows. If I reboot a few times it will start working fine again. It will even hibernate and wake ok, but if I...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Random BSOD Please check

    Problem description My problem is as follows: When the computer has been turned off for at least a few hours, I'm getting BSOD's while booting but it is rarely. When cold booting (computer has been turned off for at least several hours), I get a BSOD just after the Windows 7 `Starting...
  4. A

    Windows 8 3 Minute Full Logo BIOS Screen

    This started about a week ago and only from a cold boot, restarts are not affected. When I turn on my PC, it runs the normal BIOS activity and goes to the Full Logo screen before I get to my OS choice menu, normally this takes a few seconds, I choose my OS and then boots in a matter of...
  5. P

    Windows 7 BSOD only on cold boot

    BSOD only on cold boot and only with SP1 Link RemovedI built this 9 months ago and started having bsod on cold boot, i found that the TP Link wireless software was not compatible with W7. As I had about 20 bsod's, all random drivers, I did a fresh install. After installing mobo and graphics...
  6. S

    Windows 7 BSOD on cold boot

    Hi, I recently upgraded my system from win7 x86 to win7 x64 and added some new hardware as well (SSD, ram, new PSU). The new setup is as follows: SeaSonic Modular M12D-750 AMD Phenom Black Edition X2 550 Asus M4A78 T-E OCZ Platinum Low-Voltage 6GB DDR3-1333 Ram Kit (3x2gb) Sapphire 4870...
  7. H

    Windows 7 Very slow cold boot, but on reboot system runs normal

    My office system is a Dell w/ Win7 and it's been running fine up until 1 month ago. Then it started this odd behavior. On a cold boot it runs about 5x to 20x times slower than normal, almost as if it's just running on a single core locked at 5%. Boot time to hit splash screen is 2.5 to 4.5...
  8. R

    Windows 7 My system wakes up dead

    My laptop will go to sleep BUT when I wake it up I get a backlight and fan, and that is it. To recover, I must disconnect power, pull the battery, replug all that and cold boot. It just started this about a week ago. Before that it worked just fine. A windows update may be responsible as I have...
  9. U

    Windows 7 Windows 7 will not let me log in

    IBM Lenovo ThinkPad T500 My issue is that I am left at the "Windows 7 Professional" logon screen - I have the "Ease of access" icon in the lower left hand of the window, and the red Shut Down button in the lower right - I can move my mouse all around, but when I click on anything nothing...
  10. J

    Windows 7 The previous system shutdown was unexpected.

    Above error in the system log upon reboot after any type of shutdown (i.e. cold boot or restart). Just started - Please don't ask what I did since I'm not exactly sure (possibly image restore). Any Ideas?
  11. D

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Installs Drivers On Startup Everytime...

    Every time I start my computer from a cold boot Windows 7 installs all my hardware drivers (wireless card, audio card, etc.) I havn't seen anything on google regarding my problem, so maybe I will be able to get some help from the "Windows 7" forums. ha SYSTEM SPECS: Windows...