computer speed

  1. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 Google Chrome again!

    Hi After Windows updated today I decided to try running Chrome again, as I've posted in the past, after running it for years even on this computer, every time I install it my computer just slows to a crawl the second that I open it. Well It is in and so far my computer seems to be running...
  2. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 My computer is slow opening files and folders?

    Hi Something that has been bugging me is that Windows 8 on my new computer is slow opening files and folders. I don't mean that it takes forever but when I click on almost anything in File Manager or on my desktop the waiting icon appears and it takes a couple of seconds for anything to...
  3. cppxaxa

    Windows 7 Solution to Long Boot time problem after Win 7 Boot animation

    Hello Everyone .... The problem is Windows 7 takes time(more) to get into login screen from Win7 boot animation. Note - This only works for HDD ( Hard Drive ). For SSD just arrangement(quick defragmentation) is more than enough. This problem is shown by many notebooks with great hardwares...
  4. lostsoul65

    Windows 7 One computer is 3 times as fast

    I have an E6550 Intel 2.33 Gig dual core (Windows &7) - 4 Gigs of 6400 RAM - 1 TB Sata 3 (6 Gb) Hard drive The other is a AMD 955 3.2 Gig Quad core (Windows 7) - 60 GB SSD Hard drive and 2 USB3 Hard Drives - 1333 Gigs of RAM The AMD does a virus check at 3 times the speed using the same...
  5. OldTimer

    Windows 8 Just for fun!

    We've touched on the topic about the speed of Win-8 compared to XP and Win-7, but tonight I decided to do something about that. I moved Windows 8 from an old 80 gig Sata II drive to a new Seagate SATA III (6GBM) drive on a SATA III controller card. Windows XP would not run on the SATA III...
  6. F

    Windows 7 Registry Cleaner

    I am looking for a reliable Registry cleaner that will clean my registry and speed up my computer. I found a registry cleaner whilst Googling called "Registry Helper" from SafeApp Software It would be appreciated is someone could advise whether this is a reliable program or let me know which...
  7. News

    Video: Diagnose slow Windows 7 boot with Event Viewer

    Bill Detwiler shows you how to use the Windows 7 Event Viewer to track down potential causes of long boot times. More...
  8. X

    VIDEO Increase ram with System.ini real?

    hey guys i have a question i play lots of world of warcraft and i want to make my computer faster i heard about chaning system.ini file is it safe? YouTube - How to Increase RAM performance without using softwares HD (1080p) Thanks :]
  9. rired48

    Windows 7 Call of Duty: World at War...

    I have fresh install of COD:WaW on an Intel SSD with Win7-64. I also have the game installed on my other HD, a WD Raptor with Win XP-32 bit. My Dell monitor's native resolution is 1920x1200. Under Win XP, I ran the game at 1600x1200 with no problems in 'full-screen'. On the other new Intel SS...
  10. M

    Windows 7 Should I custom wipe out Vista or upgrade?

    Hi, I've had Windows Vista for a little over a year and I have been completely discontent with it. It's gotten so bad to the point that now everytime I start up, I get a bunch of random corrupt file messages, drivers that need to be reinstalled, etc. Also, over the course of time, a bunch of my...
  11. rired48

    Windows 7 email prog where? & processes running...

    I just installed Win7-RC to my new Intel SSD. It went well. BUT, where the heck is the email program? I can't find it...DUH. And, for now I'm using Cox webmail...YUCK... Also, here is a 'HighjackThis' logfile of my startup items.... what's up w/ some of these? I want as few things running...